Names for stepgrandma
My oldest step daughter has her first serious boyfriend. She isn't pregnant, but I'm guessing hee getting serious with a boy prompted some conversation with BM. OSD has always called me by my first name, but it is difficult for children to say(my own neice and nephew came up with their own nicknames for me because of that-which they still use today.)
But, OSD came back from Christmas break saying something like, when she has kids "Amiwicked can't be called grandma because that is for BM only"
DH and I didn't even acknowledge the comment. I knew it came from BM's mouth, OSD and I get along great and she wasn't meaning it to hurt my feelings. She lives with me full time and said before I am more "motherly to her" than her BM.
It did get me thinking...
What are some creative or different names for grandma?
I don't want BM to be " grandma" and me be "grandma (lastname)" which is what my husband's family does.
My family is German and Italian , so I called one set Poppop and Oma and the other Nonna and nonno.
I've got time (a lot I hope) but is like to have a name in mind, so BM can have " grandma" "gamma" or any traditional variation.
My SS's call their SF parents
My SS's call their SF parents Pops and Grams. They call their BGM Mimi and her husband pop-pop. Both my DH's parents passed away but they were Nana and Poppy. I have been told by my OSS that I will be called Memaw.
WELL In the South, we
WELL In the South, we sometimes call grandmothers BIG MOMMA. You can tell SD that Bm can be BIG MOMMA and you'll be grandma
hmmmm... in our family,
hmmmm... in our family, dad's parents and mom's (sm) parents were Grammy and Grampy (insert last name). like classynj, my maternal g-parents were also nana and poppy. (um, that would be pronounced "naw-nuh" cuz she'd say "i aint nobody's naaaaaana, i'm a naw-nuh!"). hubby called his 'nanny (last name)' and mimi.
the boys call their g-parents naaaana and pawpaw, and gran-momma and poppa.
i could see future sgkids maybe call me nonni or gigi. not sure about dh tho' but i can see some variation of 'pop' or maybe flat out 'grandaddy'
I tried getting sgs to call
I tried getting sgs to call me "you highness" so he called me "grandma your highness" until his parents made him stop
My step mom is called Grandma
My step mom is called Grandma and my mom is called Nana
HOWEVER: BM has informed SD and SS multiple times that her husband (skids stepdad) parent are grandma and grandpa BUT MY FAMILY IS NOT THEIR FAMILY!
So step dad and his family are family BUT ME AND MY FAMILY ARE NOT!
SS ignores her. She got married a year ago, DH and I have been together for 10 years. She didn't tell the skids this till 6 months ago, but of course SD listened and started to call grandma by her first name!
Oh boy, that didn't go over well at all! Grandma is a step mom too, she was very assertive when correcting our family splitting drama queen. And I appreciated it!
My step granddaughter calls
My step granddaughter calls all Grandparents Step or Not Grandma variation of first name and Grandpa first name. When she was very little she even called her parents Momma First Name and Daddy First Name.
For me my BMs parents were;
For me my BMs parents were; Nana and Papa and my fathers parents were; grandma and grandad.
When they all split and I gained step-grandparents, I called them grandma "last name".
My step fathers children were a good ten years older than me, unfortunately for my BM, both her step-daughters were pregnant when SHE was pregnant with my half brother. So whilst my step-dad was preparing to be a dad again, he was waiting to become a grandad too. My BM was never particularly close with her steps, mainly due to the fact they were in their teens and went through periods of not seeing them for years at a time. But she didnt particularly have issues with them either. However during their pregnancy she made it crystal clear that she was not old enough to be regarded a grandparent and therefore would only be "first name" to the kids. Now thats not to say she did nothing for them, just she wasnt comfortable being called grandma.
Now with me and my SD5, my BM regards herself as a "sort of" grandparent to SD5, in that despite the distance (living overseas) she ensures she sees SD a few times a year and treats SD as she intends to treat any children I have. However, she is still "first name" to SD. But I could see in the future SD calling her Nana "first name" or grandma "first name" once we have children of our own.
Ultimately it depends how YOU feel about it, if you intend to be an active grandparent then you sign all cards from "Grandpa and Grandma Last Name". Or give yourself a nickname. If you feel uncomfortable with it then choose first or last name, end of the day its the individual adult that tells a child what their name is and what they are to be called.
I am first name as step son
I am first name as step son in law has said that I am not family. In his world parents do not remarry when a spouse dies. So even though DH and ex wife were divorced when she died, we should not have married.
I am not arguing with him and SD. That's what you want, that's what you get. Gifts are from DH only. I don't give gifts. I don't sign cards.
I've found that it is what the parents decide to call you is what sticks.
Grandma...My SGrands call me
Grandma...My SGrands call me Grandma and I so glad for that.....I wanst always sure it was going to be so!~
Grandma...My SGrands call me
Grandma...My SGrands call me Grandma and I so glad for that.....I wanst always sure it was going to be so!~
My SGS calls me "Grandma
My SGS calls me "Grandma Disillusioned" and he calls BM "Grandma BM"
SGS used to do the same for
SGS used to do the same for me and BM but then he started mixing up our names. Poor SDIL looked horrified each time sgs would call me "grandma BM" while ss26 would smirk. Now SDIL has him just call both of us "grandma."
"Alma" - meaning kind or
"Alma" - meaning kind or loving.
My son named my mom "grangran" even though she wanted to be granny or grandma... oddly, skids call her "grandma".
Personally, I will never
Personally, I will never become anything to DH's grandkids if his daughters decide to procreate. I've read to many times on this board SM's getting attached to a little one and then some drama occurs that ostracizes the SM. Even when she's not "overstepping".