off meds and side effects triggered by stress
Has anybody here been on Effexor, came off of it, and have side effects? Side effects worsen when feeling stressed such as Skids coming and going. I'm having a problem with this and it acts up before and after the visits the most. Hoping to learn how to deal with this and manage the pain from what feels like brain zaps. Its been over 5 years now and I'm so afraid to seek another doctor about this. They don't believe me for starters but I'm not faking it. If they do believe me, they have not been of help yet with this.
This medication I once took has left me even afraid to drive if I'm feeling stressed. My DH sees me from time to time just talking then my eyes will roll back as I lose control to half of my face. I know this must sound weird but if you have taken this medication, I'm sure you have experienced some degree of brain zaps. DH thinks my brain is having small seizures and its only been since coming off of Effexor. It does not seem to bad when all is calm at home.
You need to go to the doctor
You need to go to the doctor asap and try to explain it to them again. Keep at them until they take you seriously. This is no way for you to live Starla, you've got to take care of yourself. Adding stress to the mix will only continue to make it worse. Please call for an appointment soon kiddo, you shouldn't have to suffer like this.
Let us know that you are doing this!
I've come off of Effexor
I've come off of Effexor before and i had very bad brain zaps. i had kinda painful weird sensations where i momentarily felt like i was convulsing and couldn't control myself. it usually happened when i was at work and was very stressed. my doctor told me it was just an uncomfortable side effect of stopping cold turkey. if you feel it is life-threatening, then i would go to the doctor's immediately. however, if you wait another day or two (depending how long you've been off it), those brain zaps will stop. not sure if i'm being helpful or not, but that's been my experience. i've been thru it a couple times because when i'm feeling better, i think i don't need to take it. then i stop. then i get brain zaps which seem to come on when i'm extra stressed (skids, work, etc.) then i go back on it. its not a good cycle for me.
Krispey Kreme - Thank you,
Krispey Kreme - Thank you, your advice made me feel assured and maybe I'm not just wasting doctors time.
elle94 - Please be very careful when you do come off this medication. It IS very important that you slowly taper off of it when you do. I was forced to come off cold turkey after the loss of insurance of that time. They had me on a very high dose and people on this medication should know the long term affects prior to starting. Due to the way I came off of it, I'm thinking that I gave myself brain damage. Its been over 5 years since I stopped it and the brain zaps are going strong.
smmelissa - Right you are! I even bring my mom with me for pap smears if my DH is working.
Blame3zone@- Wow interesting link, I'm going to have my DH read it with me sometime this weekend to see what he thinks. I read it yesterday and will have to try the Omega3. Thank you for for input.
Am I allowed to go to the doctors and ask for an MRI out of the blue? I don't know if they will do it being I'm not looking for a diagnosis of a depression or brain damage from an accident. Any suggestions on how to ask for the MRI or if its even the right test for my problem.
Yes. Tell them you want an
Yes. Tell them you want an MRI and tell them why you think you do (brain zaps that could cause brain damage). Do bring someone with you. Write down questions you have, so you don't forget them. You don't work for the doctors, they work for you. They would be out of a job if they had no patients. If they don't give you the care you feel is warranted or you feel you are aren't being taken seriously, then you need to find another doctor. Doctors are human, they have bad days, get constantly overbooked and hurried through appointments and they make mistakes. Some of them tend to downplay women's concerns and not to listen like they should. The best care I've received is from Nurse Practioners. I had a long time undiagnosed autoimmune disease. I saw the Doctor frequently about the symptoms and was consistantly blown off and marginalized. Until one day I was leaving the Doctor's office, blown off again and really upset. The Nurse Practioner heard me and said "that sounds like Grave's Disease, let's get you tested". Well, she was right-I had it bad! I suffered for years needlessly because the doctor didn't have the skills/interest to listen and try to help me.
You have to advocate for yourself and don't back down. You know how your body works and when something is wrong. Listen to your body and insist on being taken seriously! I hope this gets resolved quickly for you and you feel better soon!
Krispey Kreme- I really can't
Krispey Kreme- I really can't thank you enough and it is time to find a new doctor. I'm going to take a page from you and seek a Nurse Practitioner. I'm glad that you found the help you needed and that you did not give up. It can be miserable living in pain over not getting the correct diagnosis and treatment. These last three mornings have been pretty tough waking up with these zaps. The first morning took 40 of holding my head crying before it went away. Also needed to hear permission to feel right about keep seeking help for I thought that maybe I was possibly going crazy.
Old Dart- what is "pineapple brain crunch"? I'm guessing its very strong brain zaps but don't want to assume.
So sorry you are not
So sorry you are not well.
First thing. You are paying the doctors. Never think you are wasting THEIR time! Find one who will examine you and listen to you.
Keep a journal log of your symptoms and the episodes you can remember. Take note if added stress or activity or foods make it worse.
Bring the journal and your questions and a friend to your appointment.
Make an appointment, ask for the MRI. And complete blood work and exam.
Are you a brain doctor? If not then don't diagnose yourself or minimize something that is making you feel so sick.
Take care of you.