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Just Tired

MayCorine85's picture

Im just so tired right now. I never that it would be this hard having a SD. I literally just want to scream. My SD(12) has been with us almost a week and I want to go to a hotel. I feel like I have no control and there are no restrictions put on her. She barely cleans up behind herself and when she does it halfway. She always wants to do what she wants but when asked to doing anything educational or house work she cant seem to figure out how to do it and acts as if we are annoying her. My DH doesnt seemed bothered by any of it. He will tell her to do something, she will act like she did it and keep moving. He never checks or corrects what she does wrong. How do I disengage?? I literally have to do something cause its driving my crazy. I try to keep a clean and organized house and everytime she comes that just goes out the window. We have kids together and I really dont want them to think that this is ok. He tells me to discipline, but im tired of saying the same thing over and over again and being looked at like a crazy person cause she picks up 1 thing and says the room is clean....ugh...I need advice! 

fairyo's picture

I'm sorry you're going through this- I suspect you've spoken to DH and he's done nothing. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, next time just book into a hotel before she arrives and take your kids with you. Wait for DH to wonder where you are, then you say, 'but honey, darling, butterup, I told you I was tired but you didn't listen- are you listening now?'

Lighting the blue touchpaper and standing well back is sometimes the only way to get through to these Ostrichmen!