It finally happened...
Ss “told” dh that he was moving with bm. Now ss is 14 /15 and bm is not able to take care of him. The courts took away her youngest and gave custody to dh of ss. She is a bad seed. Nonetheless, as per usual, another mess that will take time to be “undone”. Of course it is because I am “mean” blah blah blah. Being as how I have disengaged I am wondering what mess they will grasp at next. The stepmonster train has left the station. It absolutely amazes me the lengths that some will go to to try to APPEAR to look better. I will say that dh handled it with flying colors. I was able to support HIM and not engage in the “drama”. Ss is a pain in my a** , it is a sad life lesson for him at the hand of his own mother. 3 more weeks of manipulation vacation then dh will have his hands full. I personally was stressed at first about disengaging and ss returning. Now I don’t care. I am at peace. It sucks that the kid has such a crappy person to “visit”. That bm and her fam are constantly in his ear about who knows what. Eh, I guess it is sink or swim time for them... When ss told dh at first he was taken aback but then he simply told him no. A little more detail and a lot of venting to me and here we are. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Ss has spent his whole life yearning for bm to “want” him. Keep in mind she has never asked him to come stay. Her parents do. He wants to be there to make sure she is “okay”. He has more fun there, etc. Ss will chase that “woman” over a cliff... Shame.
Anyone else on the manipulation vacation train? Any had their skid finally “get it”?
My DH had his first
My DH had his first experience of rejection. He has been primary for the last 6 years. BM was heading out for vacation and asked DH if she could drop off SS early. He said yes of course but when the day and time came, she called and told him SS would rather stay with her mom until CO drop off time. I’ve always warned DH that SS will choose BM one day just because she lets him both run her house and lock himself away from everyone when he wants to game all day. He came home saying she bought him new games so it’s no shocker that when she asked SS if he wanted to come home or stay, he chose to stay and play his games. BM loved making that phone call and it hurt whether DH wants to admit it or not.