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I Just Don't Give A Fu** Anymore.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture


After years and years of this "step" shit. I don't give a damn, anymore. BM can go ahead, and email and email and email, and try to call or snoop. Whatever. I'm not playing her game anymore. It is taking way too much of my energy, to even acknowledge the dumb bitch. So freaking what? My self esteem had gone down the shitter, after having BS BUT, I'm back, and not feeling low, anymore. This woman is freaking 14 dress sizes LARGER than me, with a lazy-eye, wth am I so insecure about?! FUCK HER. :O

DH can pay his karmic financial debts all by himself too. Done. This is NOT "their" house, anymore. I helped get this bitch out of foreclosure, and do have our BS1 here. Tough shit. I'll decorate it however, and piss on all 4 corners of this land. }:)

BS1 AND SS8 DESERVE to be brothers. BM and DH can piss around, all they want. My only concern is the two boys... and ME. Wink



herewegoagain's picture

ah, feel better? Smile

Sorry, it is ridiculous. I will never understand how these people don't see how they are making everyone's life so miserable. Focus on YOU, your child and if you care to, your SS. The rest, ignore them and let them kill each other...who cares.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Yes. A VERY beautiful and smart little boy who loves his mom, big brother, and dad. Screw it. I've been working on my art projects again, FIRST time in 3 years... :?

Sometimes, you just got to say, "F-It!" Whatever. Wink

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Exactly?! FOCUS on the ones who do want to love one another and quit feeding the egos of the drama queens/queens. So freaking what? Why was I so insecure? *face palm*

This is indeed stupid. I'll just try to advise from now on. The "looks" on their faces is priceless. Like "wtf? where is our fuel?" Well, it ain't coming from me. Move on. It will fade out, watch. }:)

WTHDISUF's picture

Ha. Understandable. We all have a breaking point. I hit mine in June I believe, wattled around in it for a while until I decided how to proceed. I'm proceeding with a combination of partial disengagement and counseling. LOL I don't argue with DH anymore about whatever sloppy ass BM does. If he rolls over and lets her wipe his feet on him, that's fine. I only engage when it impacts me directly such as when they think they can dump her Ooops off on me. Not happening anymore. Not taking chunks of money out of my house anymore either to pay for stuff she unilaterally decided to get in to. Not changing my plans that DH and I make together and then he bails on when she comes up with a reason we need to get or keep longer, her kid. It's relieving my stress greatly already. I told DH exactly how I feel and didn't mince words, didn't yell, just flat told him how I feel about the whole thing. Feel much better now. Smile

Orange County Ca's picture

That's great. Since I was in high school I've categorized people into two groups - those whom I cared what their opinion was and those I didn't. The ones I didn't I did not give one whit about what they said about me or what their opinion was. This allowed me to stay out of hundreds of cess pools of life alone the way.

Let them swirl around by themselves. It was also fun to see the look on their faces when they realized they weren't even worth the effort to react to. They had to consider that their utterances were so transparent as to not be worth the effort to respond.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

My mantras;

" I'm not arguing, DH. You are not getting a rise out of me. Oops, deleted BM's secret email to me and... WHATEVER, I'm going to lay down and watch a movie. Sweet Dreams, babe!"

Yes, the looks are indeed priceless.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Oh yes, yesterday evening was comprised of;

" Oh. I'm busy working on my art stuff. If you need me, let me know babe!" :O That was the look on my DH's face.

Redsonya's picture

I LOVE this! I do the same thing. I bought myself a horse, an elliptical machine, set up a deluxe craft/sewing room, and installed a hot tub. Now when DH has some new f'ing issue with the skids, I am busy.

just tired's picture

Not when you are truly "done". When you stop giving a shit, it's really much easier than you think.