How is your Disengagement going?
We read about disengagement here and how we are attempting to accomplish it. We all have very different situations and ways of trying to reach the point of tranquility with our mates and relationships.
I know my disengagement, from my grown SD, has given me positive results and changed my marriage. I don't have to accept bad treatment, my marriage has more honesty, and I am regaining my life. It was a very rough road and is becoming smoother with time. It is a continuous maintenance; each day seems to bring decisions that need to be made to keep my disengagement intact. My boundaries are tested occasionally by DH and SD, but so far I have been able to stand my ground, with less confrontation. I am feeling so much better about myself. My marriage is almost back to square one, when I met my husband; I like that. Grown SD was not a part of our relationship then; I refuse to let her into my life ever again.
On the negative side; I do not trust my husband, where SD is concerned, therefore; I share little thoughts with him, concerning family matters. We have basically began rebuilding our marriage. I miss my step-grandkids, because they have been told what a horrible person I am, by SD. Sometimes I have to spend time alone, because I live a State away from my family, while DH spends time with his family. This negative part comes with disengagement and that was difficult for me, because I truly believe in Family and my DH broke that trust with grown SD; so it was either disengagement or be mistreated. I'm very glad I chose disengagement. It will never be the same for DH & I, but it was needed.
So how is it going and what have we learned? How has it effected our relationships? If we share some of our results, it would be informative, I'm sure.
This is when disengagement
This is when disengagement begins to go smoother; when you don't give a damn. I'm there too.
"eye rolling zone" LOL! I
"eye rolling zone" LOL! I love it! I like your methods and philosophies. I'm going to have to take a page from your book because I feel the same way about my DH and his Disney Dad syndrome.
I do the same thing with DH when he talks about his kids..... "that's nice honey" and I move on to the next subject. I could give 2 fks about his kids and I, like you, would rather NOT see them.
I feel you about "not belonging" but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to preserve your own peace and sanity, since DH's are not concerned with it, we have to be. So disengaging it is!
The price of "not belonging"
The price of "not belonging" was the most difficult for me. I hear you there. But I am viewing it as if I have to go this alone, like if DH was not here with me and SD was dead. It gets easier, depending on how you perceive it.
It took me a long time; but I know they really never cared about me or they would have never treated me badly for years, no matter how hard I tried. So that made it easier to hate what they did.
Also, I am not a forgiving person, especially after such a long time of deception.
Sammi, I think I'm pretty
Sammi, I think I'm pretty much on a similar trajectory to you. Sometimes disengagement is great; others not so much.
My SO's son has been out of the picture for years - he has cut off the entire family and has no contact with anyone, even BM. In a way, that makes me saddest because I think I understand how he got to that place and why I have sympathy for him. (Primarily because when SD was diagnosed with an illness when young, she became the "princess" and primary focus of her parents.) Before SS disappeared, I had a somewhat good relationship with him. I certainly never felt any hostility from him and if things had been different, I think we may have even developed a bit of a friendship.
His adult daughter, however, is another story. I am disengaged for the most part did it silently but steadily. I encourage my SO to spend time with her whenever he wants, as I have for more than a decade. I prefer not to see her at all except once in awhile for "special" occasions (holidays, his birthdays, etc.) and I go along with it. I will never have an independent one-on-one relationship with her and I'm fine with that now. I still wish it were different and I wish she were a different kind of person. That won't ever happen so I have let go and faced reality.
My SO is now in a position here he has two adult women that he has to sometimes juggle. Not my problem. I can see where SD does like to take advantage of times when I am not available to see her dad. On the one hand, it's great since I don't care to see her anyway and it's not taking away any of the time I would spend with SO.
On the other hand, it's like my SO has this "secret" life that I am not a part of - and that doesn't feel so good. Especially since my family and friends have always welcomed him with open arms and everyone gets along great. My life is an open book for him, but his life has chapters (SD) that will always be closed to me.
That's the conundrum of disengagement - you get what you want, which is nothing. But sometimes nothing speaks volumes in other ways.
I suppose that while we have these issues with skids, there are other people who have similar problems with other family members. I know plenty of people who can't stand their in-laws and have the same challenges.
I can totally relate to the
I can totally relate to the "secret" life bullshit. When shitstain appeared back in the pic a few months ago my DH changed, and NOT for the better. He has become shady, secretive and I know he lies/hides things from me, yes he knows I don't like or trust SS but that is NO excuse to withold anything from your spouse imho. Several times we have fought over this crap, I tell him that I compare his new relationship with SS to an affair and skid is his mistress.
I HATE IT and regardless if I like SS or hate him we are married, he shouldn't be hiding anything from me! I even told him that if he was transparent with me regarding anything SS that I would be more comfortable with things and ease up but he is still not open about many things. The day that pos came back in the pic and DH changed was the day I lost ALL trust in him where SS is concerned. Which is pretty fucking sad and pathetic bc we deserve better from our DHs...
No your DH should never hide
No your DH should never hide anything from you; but mine does also and was doing it for years, with SD, before I found out.
I found out when SD threw DH under the bus, with a nasty 2 page hate email to me. SD told me all the things DH had been telling her. OOPS!
Well stated! This is how I
Well stated! This is how I look at it also. My SD is just another person up the block, like a bad neighbor that you ignore, because you are stuck with them.
I did want to add another
I did want to add another thing that concerns me, and that is as my SO lives his "secret" life with his DD it does create a bit of a chasm in our lives together. And that is where some of my concern lie. Since I'm not there, I have no idea what kind of conversations or manipulations the SD may be working on. I do notice that when he comes back from visiting her, he tends to keep to himself and is somewhat withdrawn for awhile. He probably has things about her he wished he could talk about with me, but he can't bring it up - so he has to deal with it internally. That does affect our overall emotional intimacy, I think.
I can tell the minute my DH
I can tell the minute my DH has talked or texted with SD. He gets very grouchy; not my problem and I don't give a hoot what they do. It took me all of this six years working at my disengagement to "not care", and I mean REALLY NOT CARE.
The situation with SD is like DH and I are not married and SD is dead. It's good and I am at peace with myself more than I've been for years. DH and I do very well, when SD is out of our life, which is not often enough, but it is what it is.
I agree, Sometimes
I agree, Sometimes disengagement is great; others not so much.
DH is fairly secretive about SD now and I find that weird because he is a "tell-all" kind of guy which is what caused this whole mess in the first place. He involved SD in our marriage.
Of course she wanted to "be involved" and "help" - this gave her the perfect opportunity to slander my character and turn DH against me. She manipulated a tough time we were having into a self - serving - let's get rid of SM now.
I don't miss the family time with the steps as i always found it stressful. Life is better with no contact.
My DH is very secretive; SD
My DH is very secretive; SD even put DH on their cell phone service; DH bought a new cell phone, disconnected our service to his phone. They call and text all the time now.
I just "roll my eyes" when his phone "beeps" and laugh.
It has subsided a great deal in the past month; it's been in operation for just over a year. I think the "game playing" is old fun now.
I don't care; they thought I would.
Most of the time, I act like
Most of the time, I act like I didn't hear my DH's comments about SD. If he repeats himself I say: "Sorry I wasn't listening, I was thinking about...(whatever I was doing at the time).
Good for you wickedsm123.
Not good. Not because I care
Not good. Not because I care about the skid but I can see what's coming in the future. A grown skid, lurking in the darkest corner of our home, locked in his room as a stinking starving sloth of a soulless human being who just plays on xbox 24/7. Living with us forever because Disney dad has no expectation and expects nothing from him. So that is what skid will forever do...nothing.
And I won't be able to live with that and either skid or I will be gone. My guess is it'll be me.
Maybe not. You may be the
Maybe not. You may be the one come out on top. Just keep working at your disengagement. Don't give this skid your energy; let DH do it and he will see what is happening faster. If you try to help and get involved, it covers up a good deal of the truth about these skids. Since I have turned it ALL over to DH (skids are grown); he is seeing what my SD really is like. He will never admit it, but I've seen a change in his attitude toward the whole game. I intend to keep my engagement full speed ahead, a day at a time. Take it slow and shift the responsibility to your DH. Concentrate on your marriage; this is what I do now.
It's taken me, I think, a
It's taken me, I think, a year and a half of getting to where I am now, after trying so hard. Too hard. And being burned. You know what I mean.
What I did not disengage from, mainly:
* Keeping shared living spaces cleaned up (i.e. personal items not left out)
* Keeping yard picked up (SD10 likes to "garden" and she has one more chance to use the gardening tools; she leaves them out one more time and they will be locked up - and I am the one on this).
* Properly using furniture (it's not gym equipment)
* Don't slam doors.
* No dirty dishes in bedrooms.
* If you throw trash away and you miss the container, pick it up and properly dispose of it.
* If you make a mess in the kitchen, and I am the only one home, I will make you clean it up.
* You will not be rude or disrespectful to me or others.
* Don't touch SDs dishes
* Don't do SDs laundry unless it's an exceptional circumstance like before traveling
* Never clean SDs bathroom
* I throw away or donate person items left in shared living areas for 24 hours or more.
* Shoes left in front of front door get thrown outside, off the deck.
* I don't cook anything special for SDs only. One meal for all. If they don't like it, get your own food.
* I don't buy anything for SDs; it will always backfire. This includes extracurricular activities, camps, etc., and clothing. I'll help them pick stuff out but DP purchases.
* I can now say easily, "Ask your dad."
Basically I am not so involved and DP has had to pick up major slack. And after a year of being in the house, he's getting it. He's getting tired of cleaning up after them, the backtalk, and is starting to realize they lie to him. He's tired of spending on items they should already have (and have brought to BMs or damaged, or lost). He's tired of SD12 have a filthy room.
BUT has he really done anything?
Yes and No.
* He's come down on SD12's attitude very well recently. The next step is ramifications for repeat behavior so we'll see if that happens. Ramifications is a difficult concept for him.
* He still can't demand that they clean up after themselves and does it himself much of the time.
* SD10 will help prep and cook dinner and set the table on her own with me. He's told SD12 her job will be to clean up the table, which he's enforced a couple times now.
* He would like SD12 to get a little job here and there but she refuses, and he hasn't followed through - she also wants a bank account which he hasn't done either.
So basically, DP is better, by far, than early on. But I have to remain disengaged as he still tries SO HARD to make sure they are ALWAYS HAPPY.
And most recently I've been refusing to give my opinion on anything to do with SDs because that usually backfires on me with him taking SDs side or going ahead and buying something expensive for them even though I have said, no way!
It's obviously more nuanced than the above, but that's a good outline. I have a pretty good relationship with both SDs and they do not ever talk back to me or dare to tell me "no" to doing something - I respect them if they respect me and they get that. I've been pretty darned happy with it!
This is major boundary
This is major boundary setting and a GOOD JOB! Keep up the difficult task of taking the high road. Good for you!
It's HARD! One thing I forgot
It's HARD!
One thing I forgot to mention that is the worst for me to keep my mouth shut on is hygiene.
This was my biggest, giantest hurdle with disengagement.
I think I'm so disengaged from it I forgot about it.
SD12 does not brush her teeth. I had to let that go. DP wanted me to remind him but after three times and him getting irritable with ME for letting him know something he wanted to know, I stopped.
She showers more often now that she's older, but I suspect she wears a lot of dirty underwear or no underwear since I don't do her laundry any longer and she never asks. There's dirty underwear all over her bedroom. Yes, it's gross. She recently got her period too and if I find "products" anywhere but the trash I will go ballistic.
SD10 doesn't bathe enough and her fingernails are often caked with dirt. She brushes her teeth at night but not in the mornings any longer. She does care about her clothes and clean underwear and will help with laundry. She doesn't care about clean socks though. She'll wear socks 3 days straight. We have to make sure she actually washes her hands (I engage on this one) properly.
Basically, if DP and BM haven't instilled basic hygiene awareness in the kids it's not my problem.
They gave you no choice but
They gave you no choice but to walk away from this. Kids live what they learn from DP and BM. Ugh!
My grown Skids live the way they were raised; I see that now. When DH and I began our relationship 36 years ago, I felt sorry for these grown kids; they were totally disrespectful and selfish; nothing has changed, no matter how hard I tried to set an example. They think I need a head doctor, because I'm social, enjoy my family, and live what I consider a normal life.
My step adults are definitely a product of their parents. It's sad.
Cover1W I can't even image
Cover1W I can't even image dealing with nasty girls. You would hope that they would have some care and concern about how they look, smell, etc. I suppose I disengaged with my SS moons ago. I realized he wasn't brushing his teeth when I would go in their (I have a BS) bathroom and SS's sink would be bone dry. I figure it would catch up with him sooner or later. About 2 years or so ago, I cleaned his room because my MIL was coming to stay with us for the weekend. It wasn't nasty but you could see that he never made any serious effort to clean it regularly. I always make sure to tell both kids to clean, vacuum their room and clean the bathroom and they do when told but to actually do it without being told is a chore. My husband never tells them to do any chores except the oldest (his son/ my SS) to wash his clothes, that's it. He always ask me what chores do I want them to do. Really like you don't know. I think it's more that he doesn't want to tell them to do anything. Always wants to remain neutral and be their buddy.
Disengagement is working
Disengagement is working beautifully (at this time - always subject to change). But my SS is not a minor.
I have seen SS30 twice in the past 3 years. I've now met his GF and the baby - for about 15 minutes. I am capable of being pleasant and cordial during these times. I just don't give a shit if SS drops dead or just ceases to exist. He's really just meaningless in my life.
I really don't hate SS even though I think he's a worthless POS. There are other worthless people in this world - and I don't waste time hating them either.
I am very lucky that my DH does respect me and he truly cares for me and my welfare very much. He doesn't want me to be unhappy. He's asked me to do things with/for SS and has been pouty a couple of times when I said no - but he's never really pressured me to do stuff that I find repugnant.
I'm glad you DH respects you
I'm glad you DH respects you and shows support. Whatever you are doing to earn that support, keep it up. I'm guessing you keep an arms length from SS30. This is what I have done with my SS58 and SS53 for 36 years. I have never been fully engaged or best friends with these men; therefore, it has always been a distant relationship, with no personal engagement.
My SD56 is another story; I trusted SD and DH and got burned. Now there is no trust where the two of them are concerned. I trust my DH where our marriage is concerned as well as all other issues; but if it involves SD, no way. I tell DH nothing that he can repeat or screw me around on, concerning SD.
I do not engage with this toxic woman at all!
Disengagement made things
Disengagement made things better for me but my H hated it. Regardless of how clear I was with what I would and would not do for her, H continued be confused by the boundaries I put in place. He used it as an excuse to live separate lives, to the point he began to make financial and life changing decisions without discussing it with me.
After his kid screwed us financially last November/December I told him she had shit on me for the final time. I was done. I don't want to hear about her. I don't want to speak to her. I don't want anything from her. When she comes to visit, I will go to the mainland so I don't have to be around her.
He hates that I feel this way about her and it has had a negative impact on our relationship. For me, it spelled out the inevitable fact he will always put her wants above our marriage. For him, he resents the fact I want nothing to do with his offspring. When he speaks of her I barely respond and usually change the subject and I can tell the resentment is growing.
Shaman29: My DH also hates
Shaman29: My DH also hates my disengagement. I tried to disengage politely, but I was even treated worse; so I just cut the strings and pretend grown SD is dead.
I finally told DH I was tired of trying to make this a "Brady Bunch Family", I did not receive respect from even him, for years. I also told him I would not take any more passive aggressiveness from SD. She is honey sweet in front of DH and extremely rude and aggressive out of his ear shot. I pointed this out, until I was tired of going over and over it, each time it took place. My DH knows it's true, but will never say he is sorry or set SD in her place; DH even participated when we were in family events, labeling it as a joke.
Therefore, I give up and told him to tell her to stay away from me, not to come to our home when I was home, he could see SD and her family anytime, but I would only participate if I felt comfortable. I have not participated for a year; it is much better for us. I promised to put a restraining order on her, if she didn't leave me alone; that's how bad it became.
SD got DH a cell phone on her account, they text, call, and communicate behind my back; I don't care. I hated the secrets and conversations that went on behind my back, to begin. Now I don't even know when they talk and don't care. SD will text during dinner, call after she knows we've gone to bed; SGD30 even texted DH this Mother's Day and says "I miss you and love you Grandpa". I don't want them to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, but they never leave it alone. So, with all of this said, it doesn't bother me any more. I used to get livid when all of this took place. I just smile to myself now, because I know my disengagement is driving all of them crazy, including my DH.
My DH is accepting my disengagement more every day and we are dong much better. I will stick to my boundaries and continue, even though I know he doesn't like it. DH even accused me of tearing the family apart when I disengaged. I laughed at him and quote: "Your are responsible for your kids manners, I didn't raise them, and it's your problem, you created this mess, I will NOT consider taking your blame." He was furious and pouted for a couple of days and got over it.
Hang in there!
In reading these posts so
In reading these posts so far; I see a major likeness. SM's are put on a shelf for DH's kids. No matter what age group we are dealing with; SM's are treated like Step Monsters, which we have turned into, because we are treated badly. I know most SM's put much more into the entire relationship for DH's and their kids, then we receive. Then when SM's disengage they are even bigger monsters. Another point I related to; it's like DH having an affair, with all the secrets and talking with SD behind my back. I blame DH for my distrust; but SD enjoyed every minute. I took control by setting boundaries. I realized I will never trust DH again and I will never engage with my grown SD again. With that said, I will move forward and make it better for me.
I used to care what DH and my Skids thought of me. NOT now. I am back to being myself and being true to them and myself; if they don't like me this way, tough! I'm here to stay. Since I have let it go, disengaged, and really don't care any longer; things seem to be getting much better for DH & I, this past year. I am happier, I'm not such a grouch, and I certainly don't miss all I was doing to keep my DH and his brats happy. I don't discuss my grown SD, or her family, and I don't see her; even when I have to see her, I totally ignore her. Maybe people consider that being rude; she treated me rude for years. When I had enough of being mistreated for 30+ years (my fault for letting it go on), I told my DH not to let the door hit him in the A _ _ on his way to live with SD. I should have made that offer to him and her years ago. I even had him moved to her home for a few months. It worked! I will do it again if necessary!
I've been working on my disengagement for six years and it is getting easier, with continuous alertness. For those of you here that say it's not going well; don't give up on it. My disengagement was a disaster, when I began, and I just took it one day at a time, which I still do.
I read all of your comments and will read them again. It helps me sort out my journey and keep on going. Without all of you here on Stalk, my progress would never be where it is today. I will always have to work at this SM role. Keep the conversation coming here.
This arrangement sounds good
This arrangement sounds good to me. My DH is disabled, I stay to honor my marriage vows, which I am dedicated. DH became disabled during our marriage, therefore, I want to care for him. I love my DH, but I do not respect or trust him. He has betrayed me to SD and I know, even though he says he doesn't, he continues to talk to her behind my back. It's like they can't help themselves; they talk about everyone they can dig up; it's a bad habit and I hate it.
We have been married 36 years and I also have my investment to take care of. We are retired and have acquired a comfortable life style. I refuse to give everything we have worked for to SD and her family. That is what she would like. In a nasty email, SD even told me to move out and move on, along with numerous other nasty (2 page) comments. This was just a year ago.
I took several drastic measurers (even involved Law Enforcement) to shut it all down, now I will stand my ground. I did this for myself and it is working. DH, SD, and both grown SS's know I mean business; although, it doesn't change DH or SD's game playing. I am in control of my home and refuse to budge. Now and then, I have to remind DH to take it out of our home and up the street to SD, or we will go back to the enforcing element.
I can understand how your arrangement works; it gives everyone a nice break. There are many times, I wish I could live in my own place. Thanks for sharing.
I feel the same way, I do not
I feel the same way, I do not and probably never will trust my DH regarding ANYTHING skid has only been a few months since he has been "back in the pic" and DH has let me down in many ways and my gut tells me he/they can't be trusted so I will always listen to my gut when it comes to this topic. It is pretty sad and totally sucks that we can't even trust the men we love simply bc of their friggin brats existence...
I hate skids.
You know, DH's want "Brady
You know, DH's want "Brady Bunch Family", where is his effort? I also hate my SD; but on the other hand DH created this toxic woman.
For me, I think it's going as
For me, I think it's going as good as it can without putting a lot of thought and energy into it.
My DH gets it, I think, but occasionally forgets and tries to coax me into activities, dinner out with SK - which is a nightmare in itself. My in-laws don't like it at all. To them, I should be bonus mom to snowflake. Care and do things for SK. Be the glorified babysitter during her summer break visit and all that jazz. They have this funny method of trying to break my will, my disengagement. It usually starts a couple weeks before visitation starts. They make overly forced attempts to wine and dine me, giving them a chance to talk-up how lovely our family is with SK in it. I shut them down - every invite. At this point they're reaching. SK will be here in 2 weeks.
I usually make plans or take my little ones to the park when SK is at our house. I do nothing for her, say nothing to her other than "Oh yeah?" when she insists I acknowledge what she's saying. She's an annoying, lazy, bottom-less pit, chatty cathy if her butt isn't kept busy. She keeps her dad hopping, like it should be...
Your SD sounds like my SGGD9
Your SD sounds like my SGGD9 (4th generation of toxic women). Everyone has to sit and stand the way this child tells them; needless to say, I'm not around her, not happening here.
Examples from this past
Examples from this past weekend:
I bought a gorgeous new dining table at an estate sale. SD12 freaked out at DP apparently on the way to our home, because she liked our older table (Ikea table that is now being used as our front deck dining table) and because she hadn't been consulted. DP told me about that when he got home with SDs (he had to pull the car over to get her to stop her ranting) and I guess she came in, told DP she hated the new table after glancing at it and stomped to her room. I smiled at DP and said, "You know what? I could give a sh!t what SD12 thinks." And NO DP, the Ikea table is NOT ending up in SDs bedroom because "SD12 could give a flying F about any of her belongings so why would I give her a TABLE?! It's going onto the deck."
...SD12 comes upstairs later and asks me why I bought a new table. "Because I wanted a better table - and I found one, I love it." She asks what about matching chairs? "I will find them eventually." End of conversation. (note that while we were eating dinner at said new table she admits, very quietly, that she likes the new table. HA! Because chicky-poo, it's gorgeous!) Do not make open ended statements or questions back to SDs. They don't get a choice in furniture.
SD10 comes upstairs this morning wearing the exact same clothes, down to her socks, that she wore the entire previous day, which included playing in the dirt. I say NOTHING.
DP texts me that he bought a new bus pass for SD12. I had no idea she lost ANOTHER pass. I ignore the statement and address another question he had for me. A lost pass is not my concern if I have no say in it.
Your post so hits a nerve.
Your post so hits a nerve. It's even funny now. SD53 just kept asking for an antique dinning table we had and were using for 20 years. DH had refinished it and it was beautiful; the table had been in his first marriage from a grandmother of BM (gift to DH).
One day, years ago, I came home from work, the legs were taken off, the parts and the table were all stacked in the middle of the living room. In the dinning room sat a brand new, beautiful oak table with matching chairs. I asked DH, "What's up?" He had bought us a new table and chairs, and was giving the antique to SD and her DH (he said she always wanted it). I was furious, but! My reply: "I love the new table and chairs and we finally have OUR OWN dinning set. When SD and DH arrived, a few minutes later, to pick it up; she was in her glory, gushing, and trying to get me to react; all I said was: "I love our new dinning set, I am so excited to finally have my own table; is there anything else you would like to take with you, or anything you would like to remove from the walls that you feel entitled to?"
The look on her face was priceless and I was almost laughing. The table has never been mentioned again.
LOL... }:)
For me it's a steady reminder
For me it's a steady reminder to step back and let DH step up. I had been doing everything to prepare for skid/gskid visits; such as shopping and cleaning so everything would be nice for them. Then when they got here I would entertain sdil and gskids so that DH and SS could visit. It became very apparent to me how much I was being used and unappreciated when we celebrated youngest gs's bday at our house. Sdil, gskids and ss all thanked DH for the cake, the presents, how much HE had done and DH just soaked it all up not acknowledging me at all. I of course could have spoken up but know it wouldn't have made any difference. Now, DH is in charge of making sure things are clean, getting gskids snacks, entertaining them...etc.
Last time they were here I sat down with a plate of food while chaos reigned. gskid then wanted what I was eating and I almost got up to fix him a plate, instead I said, "go ask grandpa."
Good for you. My DH still
Good for you. My DH still hasn't grasp the task of taking care of the birthdays, etc. So they get let go undone. He is the one looking bad; now the Skids know who always got it done. }:)
My H hates my disengagement.
My H hates my disengagement. I love it.
It all came to a head recently as he wants me to step in and do what her BM isn't doing. We've discussed this time and time again and he can't accept it. He wants me to be more involved and invested in raising her, but I just can't do it. He's tried to force the issue a couple of times in as many months. Now he wants to talk about it again. *eye roll* I'm just going to confirm my disengagement.
Doing ANYTHING for/with a
Doing ANYTHING for/with a skid is and always should be a CHOICE on the SPs part...period! I will never understand how soo many people do not grasp this concept! We DID not create these kids, they have 2 parents, regardless of the situation, we got with our partner to be with our partner, not to be parents, taxis, babysitters, chefs etc to THEIR kids! Ugh I hate the mentality and expectations these (mostly) men have when they date/marry someone... :sick:
Keep putting it in your DH's
Keep putting it in your DH's end of the ball park. Tell him, he needs to be the roll model and spend more time being the bio parent; it is necessary. }:) Stick with your disengagement; it isn't easy, but worth it!
I am slowly disengaging, its
I am slowly disengaging, its a process and not something that occurs fully overnight. I like many others here, initially thought the adult SKids and I would be friends and bent over backwards to please them. It soon became apparent that no matter what I did, they were never going to be my friend. I will go into more detail on another thread sometime re the issues I faced, but they are pretty common to a lot of us here, particularly the relationship with the adult SD who is now 26.
About a year ago, I found out about the concept of disengaging from this site and I am steadily doing just that.
I no longer invite them to dinner, if they are coming round, they invite themselves via DH at times, when they do I usually make myself scarce, work later, visit a friend, catch a movie with a friend, anything so I don't have to be around them in our home for too long. Previously I would have been there, cooking up a storm, doing the dishes after they've eaten as they don't do them, they just continue sitting at the dining table, talking or playing games, they also never said thanks that was lovely, nothing !
When I first moved in with my DH all 3 adult SKids were living at home, I cooked every night. When the 2 older ones moved out I had them round for dinner nearly every Sunday and always on birthdays. Never once have they done the dishes, said thank you...nothing !
Now when DH mentions it's one of the SKids birthdays, I reply aha, nothing more. And I just don't invite them to dinner period anymore.
I never told my DH husband I was disengaging but I am sure he has worked it out .
GottaLaugh: This is exactly
GottaLaugh: This is exactly how I began my disengagement six years ago.
Just a warning; I made a big mistake of letting my DH know I was disengaging. I also made the mistake of putting DH's feeling ahead of my working on my disengagement. DH then went into the protective mode for SD56. It is all my fault for tearing apart the family (me doing all the dinners and work).
I say take it slow and easy and just distance yourself without any drama. I am not a patient person and got so tired of SD and her nastiness; so I let DH know, I had enough. It back fired on me; he went running to SD and told her everything I said and did. Now I don't tell DH anything, where SD or his grown kids are concerned.
I have a good relationship with both grown SS's, but only because I was never fully engaged with these men for our 36 years of marriage.
Disengagement is a continuing maintenance in my case, because SD lives just up the street; but I am willing to take it a day at a time; I will NEVER go back to being treated like you described.
Good Luck and stay here with us on this site.