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Feeling of being a second priority when skids are involved?

Endora's picture

An example is DH and I are out having some "us" time when SS calls and wants something-DH is getting better at deferring him-but we have had so many moments interupped and so little "us" time.

I was married for 20 years beforehand and we had no problem telling our BK's to "buzz off" or wait-why can't is it so hard to do the same with skids?

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

Same here. Married 17 yrs. first time. Of course I love my children. Of course they mattered, deeply, to me. But I put my marriage first-if I'd put the kids first, we wouldn't have made it past year 1.

So. H just called. He is VERY UPSET. Because his boss is sending him 120 miles away from his location this afternoon, and he was planning on meeting SD17 on her way to his apartment and taking her on a FABULOUS weekend THAT SHE HAD PLANNED. He is so angry. Plus, his gout is kicking up and he was wondering how he would escort his precious diamond of a daughter, SD17, around the amusement park tomorrow. Good grief-the man makes good money-had 4 days off last week-and now he's mad because his boss came back-hes' been way for 4 months-and is making him actually work for his money.

But H is SO UPSET. HOW IN THE WORLD WILL HE DISAPPOINT his precious SD17. Gee. We had our wedding planned-were traveling 1200 miles away to get married on the beach. Everything was set. Then, H called. He couldn't get away from work the week we had planned months before. We'd have to change our plans. Move them up. I had one day-one day to pack, change all reservations, get my hair done. But that was no big deal to him. When I reminded him that he makes a good living, and yes, it's not fun to disappoint your kid about her trip-but look at what I had to do for our wedding-He got pissed. So her halloween trip to the amusement park being cancelled is a huge tragedy. I know he expected me to offer to take her and bring her back-WTF??? He knows my son-who I see once in a blue moon-is going to be here this weekend. And, by God, I'm won't be catering to his precious darling and losing time with my son.

Endora's picture

Poopsie Princess will have to find out "Life is not Fair"-I am so glad you did not drop everything for this young lady-have a great time with your son let BD make it up to her!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

now4teens's picture

Mustang, My SDs do this ALL THE TIME. Daddy Daddy Daddy. They will call call ALL THE TIME when it is our weekend. And they won't leave messages- they'll just keep calling. It drives me insane.

First, they'll call DHs phone. Endlessly. Then, the house phone. Then, my phone. No message on ANY OF THEM.

One time, we were at the movies on a Friday night. Left our cells in the car. Got in the car and saw that there were 10 missed call on both our phones. No messages. Called them back. They were PANICKED beyond belief, "We thought you were in an accident and DEAD!"

"UMMMM, why would you think that?"
"Because mom said there was an accident on the road tonight and you didn't answer your phone."


BMs craziness is turning them into mini-crazies.

"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis

KittyKat's picture

I did the SAME THING with adult SDs several years ago. NO CALLS PAST 9:00 unless it is a DIRE EMERGENCY. Same thing,
we would be watching TV in bed (or whatever...), and we would
leave our phones in another room as to NOT be disturbed.

Never failed. One of them would be screaming at him that they
tried calling him (usually over something REALLY IMPORTANT like
she had a "bellyache" or something ???) and, of course it was

The IRONIC thing is that, before he met me, my DH didn't even
HAVE a cell phone. He didn't have an answering machine, either.
So I don't know how the poopsie princesses (wow, I like this one!!) got in touch with him before he met me. :O

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

But he was busy playing at the amusement park w/SD17. He was soooo tired-he had to have been due to work circumstances, he had only 3 hrs sleep the nite before, and his gout was hurting soooo bad-Well, I sure got to hear about it, but evidently he wasn't feeling to awful to spend the afternoon at the mall & the nite at the amusement park. Anything goes for SD17.

Anyway, I waited till I knew he was nearly back to the apartment to call him. I just really needed to talk; it was a hard nite for me and I just couldn't quit crying (and I rarely cry). Do you think that after spending all day w/SD17 & all evening with her that he could give me 15 min. uninterrupted on the phone. Hell no. I was trying to tell him about it, tell him how I was feeling-and he's talking to SD17 while he's on the phone with me. This is crap. We go anywhere, do anything-he calls her. We've not had one meal out where he was not on the phone, while we were eating, with SD17. I don't hold much hope for the marriage.

But he hasn't talked to SD13 in three days.

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

He's 16 yrs. old. He's the one she slipped up on when she told us he holds the sheets over her head when he farts.

Sd17 also has a piercing-her nose is pierced. And tho previously H said his children would never be allowed to do that-he said not a word to her when she showed up with it pierced.

Funny thing. Last week, I said something to SD17 about her trip to her father's apartment this weekend. Her response-she looked at me, raised her eyebrows in surprise, and said "He told YOU about that?" WTF. What is he doing-he obviously has her thinking-and probably actually is-that I am kept totally out of the loop here. That they have their secret little relationship and they will make plans and I am not to be consulted/considered(God only knows what else they have planned without my being informed).

SD13 is a sweet girl-she's pretty, polite, (yes, she's typical of that age also-lazy, has to be pushed to do schoolwork) and very kind hearted. And so grateful for the smallest things. She is the total opposite of SD17. And I don't know how much longer I can stand watching this. I've tried to talk to H about what he is doing here with his obvious favortisim (not even mentioning how he treats SD17 like she is the wife and I am the-well, don't know what I am I guess) to SD17 is doing to SD13. He refuses to acknowledge it. Her gave her (SD13) $20.00 two weeks ago and she went to the store with me. Found a couple of things that came to more than the $20.00, so I pitched in to get them for her(she's sat and watched him dole out the cash to SD17 constantly). He was mad that she spent the $20.00. She should have given it back to him for her text messageing. Meanwhile, SD17 hands daddy her $20.00 for her text messaging(of course, she has some money. She's old enough to work part-time), and he gives it right back to her as she has "expenses". Yea. She has expenses all right. Manicures.

Endora's picture

In the bio family none the less-favoured our youngest son to the detriment of our eldest -long "Rocky" kind of story for my eldest son (and I do say mine as Bio- Daddy was an absolute dip sh$$$t to him)- the son that got 0 -is the biggest success-the son whose a$$ BD wiped is a loser-on the road to recovery getting his ONLY chance with me- while bio-dad moves 5 hours away...go figure

No, marriage, does not last when all attention is on one child and not where it should be-the couple

Hold out for SD 13-there success will lie...IMHO

PS -I am sorry you had a crappy weekend-I wish you could go to a spa, have a glass of wine -a great meal and just Forget About IT!

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

My youngest son arrived early Sat. evening. We drove (just he and I-H had darlin' SD17 at his apartment, so didn't come home) to a nearby town and had a wonderful steak supper and a couple of beers. Came home and watched a movie together.

He's soooo funny. He's gained a little weight, so when I asked what he would like for Sunday dinner, he said something healty. So I fixed salmon sauteed in raspberry vinagrette served on baby spinach, cottage cheese with pears, and mixed veggies. He basically choked it down (telling me how great it was), leaned back and said that was wonderful fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy. Ok, girls, I know he's a man and wanted the "real meal"-I cooked for him for over 20 years, after all. But I offered the fried chicken dinner-he is the one who said he wanted something healthy and low-calorie!

We had a wonderful time, just he and I. His take on H is not good-so I pretty much kept the conversation away from how H has been acting with the wonderful miss SD17. My BS is really encouraging me to go to school right now rather than just find another low level low paying bank job (like I've had my entire working life).

So, Endora, being with my son was like a spa for the soul. Just miss him so much now that he has left.