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FDH had to deal with SS5, and I am so happy about it...

Auberry2's picture

Ok, this is juvenile to say the least, but I don't really care.

We had a fmaily outing to our local Children's Museum. This place is like, Parent Purgatory or smaething. I hate going to the children's museum, kids runnig and screaming, big crowds, parents who don't care how their kids behave being completely oblivious to their little psychpaths running wild, it is awful. But, the kids LOVE it, LOL, so, I got a free family pass from a coworker and we decided to take the kids this past Sunday.

As I have said in other posts, SS5 has no clue how to behave in public. He is one of those kids we all talk about in the store, you know, the ones who run around, no parent in sight, grabbing things off shelves, and throwing fits until they get their way. Yep. One of those. He does this because FDH has cared more about making sure his little Prince never feels any discomfort than about teaching him how to be a functioning member of society. It is so bad SS5 ran out in front of a car the other day. FDH doesn't like me to say anything about his behavior in public, so I have completely disengaged in public. That mess is his problem. I get my son and walk away.

So, here we are at the Children's Museum, on a weekend. It is super crowded, very loud, and very easy to lose kids in. So, I explain to my son how he is to behave and we go in. Sure enough, it isn't long before SS5 does a disappearing act. My son and I go from exhibit to exhibit, he plays with everything, all the while FDH is running around like a mad man after SS5, frantic, calling after him "Prince-Not-So-Charming, stay with me, stay with me!" while SS5 ignores him, keeps disappearing, and in a mere 2.5 hours has daddy so worn out he is ready to go home. And the best part? After we got home, what does FDH say? He says, "Auberry, I see what you mean now about how important it is to teach Prince to stay with us and behave in public. That was a nightmare, he wouldn't listen, I couldn't keep up with him, I couldn't find him, I was terrified"

Ha! Told you so. Yes, I know, I am not being a grown up right now. I shouldn't be so happy that SS5 scared his daddy to death. But, I tell you, hearing those words made me so happy. Now, I am not unrealistic, only time will tell if this made a real impression on FDH and if he will make any changes. I wouldn't put any big money down and bet on changes happening, but, the words were so sweet. Hearing him say that he could see now why I fuss about SS5 staying with us and behaving was sweet.

SMof2Girls's picture

Excellent! I'm glad he saw it and didn't try to make excuses and explain it away. Progress can be a beautiful thing Smile