extreme change
This is now about Skids but a kid in my life.
She is 4 years old, just turned 4 last week. She is sweet, nice, calm pretty chill little girl. Well in the last three weeks she has changed. Like 100%. She was kicked out of her preschool for behavoir issuies. She screams, hits, spits, bites. All of these honestly was a change like with in a few days. Up until three weeks ago she had never been in trouble at school now she is out of control.
Any suggestions on what the heck is going on? Open to any ideas. Her family is avarge strickness, she doesnt get away with everything but they also dont get on her for everything.
That is really strange
Could she be getting bullied/abused at the other home or at pre-school.
i was wondering if maybe one
i was wondering if maybe one teacher was picking on her, she didnt like her older sister last year. and the mom called the school on the teacher for being rough with daughter. Teacher got in trouble but is still there.
Any changes at home like
Any changes at home like divorce, new bf/gf for one of the parents, a move, anything like that?
Was this a new preschool?
My daughter is that age and she will usually tell me if something or someone is bothering her (I do have to straight up ask her though).
same say care since she was
same say care since she was born, no changes at all at home. Nothing really at all. We thought of everything. You ask her she is just like eh IDK
I would have her checked out
I would have her checked out by a doctor at the very least. My friend's child had some extreme personality/behavior changes after strep throat recently.
I read about something like this
I cannot for the life of me find the article. It was ten years ago, so I don't remember enough of it. A little boy's personality changed overnight, too. It was some chemical imbalance in his system. I don't remember if it was due to a medication (OTC or prescribed) or was an allergy. Once they figured it out the boy returned to his normal, calm self.
While it could be bullying, abuse, etc., it could also be physiological.
this is what i thought i saw
this is what i thought i saw an article on facebook about streph thoat. shes getting anoids and tubes in her ears next week. Its just crazy from sweet little girl, to OMG she is going to kill everyone in there sleep!
Start with her doctor and
Start with her doctor and follow her recommendations.