Ex husband coming over to her house when I’m not home
My girlfriends ex husband apparently comes over and hangs out at her place to visit their kids when I’m not home and she neglected to mention this to me. I trust her and do not believe she would cheat however I do not trust him at all and believe he’s a manipulative creep who could cause problems with us intentionally without her catching on. I don’t want to sound posseoce, she doesn’t have to tell me everything she does all the time. Anyone else experience this? Her relationship with her child’s father makes me not want to take the next step in our relationship.
Tell her!
If you are not comfortable with them playing family, tell her. Either she will respect that decision, or she won't. Either way you will have what you need to make your decisions.
Between this and your
Between this and your previous blog, it sounds like they are still in a relationship. Or want to be.
I think they need to figure it out, before you continue on with this relationship.
Make sure your paperwork is
Make sure your paperwork is locked up and he can't access any important papers that he could get information from and screw with you. He's either trying to get her back or looking to make trouble.
I do wonder what would happen if you made yourself more visable to him. Divorced people don't normally hang out, so there is some screwed up belief that hanging out is a good thing, for the skids comes to mind. In reality is only screws them up in the long run.
An honest conversation is over due with her. You need and should have confirmation on what HER intentions are with you long term. If you don't like her answers and she can't or won't manage her ex in a manner that supports a future with you, it might be best to put this one behind you and find someone who is truly available for a realtionship with you.
I would tell her
If she wants a relationship with you, EX can not come over her place and play happy family. If she does not stop this I would be gone. There was something there at one time, and it can sill be there