Do they win if you give up
Okay; I am Exhausted I have tried very hard to blend our family; we have 3 together s4, s9 & d11 - SD13 has moved in with us 6 or so months and I am at my end. We have been together nearly 11+ Years and I do love him; but I am so tired of talking and arguing about her; and defending my BK (mostly my daughter) that I just think it is a waste of time. SD knows what she's doing;(daddy is just blind) and I just find myself not caring anymore. I know he loves me; but is it worth it?? Nothing I do is good enough from dinners, to times to the way I do this or that; I just feel......You know at this point I am not sure how I feel. Is this normal??
Yes - I understand. You are
Yes - I understand. You are frustrated and feel like you are living in a war zone. Unfortunately it will not get better for you until you disengage. Your DH won't like it because it won't be convenient for him. I did it and it saved our marriage and my child. My son was being affected by all the animosity in the house with SD14. His son was as well. I calmed down and learned to walk away from frustrations with her. Best thing for us is now she doesn't live here anymore. When I started to disengage, DH had to step up. She didn't like rules and chose to live with mom. It was easier for everyone to blame me. But, no rules makes for unruly kids. DH finally saw it and unfortunately for her it was too late. Step back now and protect your kid...
" rules makes for unruly
" rules makes for unruly kids"
And, you should seen what unbelievable adults they become if you think they are bad as kids! I think disengagement is the answer, too. Like Jsmom, I became calmer and less frustrated because I just don't care anymore! I no longer worry about the adult stepkids and the lives they lead. It is not my problem. I wasn't there to create it, I am unable to control it or change it, so I just let go. And, if feels good! It does seem to make our marriage relationship better too!
This whole Disengaging thing
This whole Disengaging thing sounds wonderful; but I am not "allowed". Dad tells me I am rude; or calls me her mother sometimes; it's all really uncomfortable - you can clearly see she doesn't want anything to do with me. But he makes it so hard; I think it would be best to just kind of be there for her; but as far as decisions and "parenting" I would love for him to do it; he just won't he lets it go and go and go - Thank you all!!
Blender - I almost wonder now if I was shoving my kids down DHs throat.....
This is how I feel at times; I know he wishes I was her Biomom; but I am not - and I think she resents ME for that. Thanks
hbell you have to let it go
hbell you have to let it go and go and go and go and go.
blender, THis is me to a t. "I am good at being DHs wife. I am good at being a mother to my bio-kids. I failed miserably at anything to do with the skids because it was never enough, or I went the extra mile and it went unnoticed so I was upset"
What can it hurt if you try dissengaging and it fails?
Blender, that is a great
Blender, that is a great post. I think it is SO difficult to have a blended family (we couldn't make it work, but that was mainly d/t the situation on my exbf's side). I think just concentrating on being a good partner/wife to someone and being a good mom to your biokids are enough. Yes, when the skids are around, you're still there and yes, you can be warm and do things if you feel like it...and not do things if you don't feel like it. I think if women aren't focused on blending, winning a child's affection (often impossible), or trying to be a special friend and instead being themself I think we'd all feel better.
I think sometimes we try so hard to please we actually make things worse. The more you try, give, do...the higher the bar is set. The law of diminishing returns. I think some of these kids naturally exploit our attempts to be good stepmoms (probably unconsciously?) and it makes us look weak in their eyes, if that makes any sense. It's like super nice guys that are doormats to bitchy women who do not deserve them and will not give them the time of day.
Exactly Blender. You've
Exactly Blender. You've nailed it and I agree with you 100%. Why try to be someone else's mother when they already have a mom...being a wife and having an adult relationship is enough. I think as hard as it is, letting go of the blended family fantasy actually leads to a calmer blended household...note I did not say family. It's just too damn much pressure.
I am glad things are working well for you...
Refocus on being a wife and
Refocus on being a wife and mother, don't be the "easy target". When you re-focus and truly do, the dissengaging doesn't feel like dissengaging, you just wont focus on the shit with SD.