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DH's Sister's conniving plans back-fired on her

Disillusioned's picture

So further to the last post about DH being so upset about what his sister did - arranged to have Christmas dinner with FIL and FIL's good friends, rather than with her own family namely her brother DH, something her family has done every year since her birth, Well this evening DH & I phone FIL's good friends - the same friends that apparently FIL and DH's sister were going to have Christmas dinner with

DH was just phoning to say how happy we were to hear the good news, as the husband had been ill but he is much better now. We were surprised when they then tell us that FIL and DH's sister had mentioned to them that they wanted to spend Christmas evening with them, but that they had told them no. Apparently there is a flu going around and they just didn't want to give it to anyone

DH is of course still ticked off at his sister. Even more so now that he knows she knew days ago that they wouldn't be spending Christmas dinner with these people, but she still has said nothing to DH and still has ruined their family's tradition of Christmas dinner together

DH mentioned all this to me this evening, and said we will just remain quiet tomorrow at the brunch and see if his sister mentions it to us, or, if she continues to play us by letting us believe she and FIL are going there for Christmas dinner instead

I asked DH what he wanted to do in case his sister decides to be upfront and that the plans are off, are we going to my family's or is this going to change. DH said no way, no matter what, at this point we are so not going to spend any more time with his sister on ANY holidays, and we are BUSY even if we aren't busy LOL

All considered, going forward, probably the best course of action from now on.

Green4go's picture

Karma has a way of returning all the favors. I am glad to hear that his sister is getting what she deserves.

Thumper's picture

Hope everything worked out ok. Smile

Gosh I hate reading about the family drama stuff. It is rather sad. It's bad enough with bm's but the "family family drama junk" is such a waste of precious time.

Disillusioned's picture

We knew before Christmas that in fact, the plans DH's sister had made fell through, and they would not be spending Christmas dinner with these people - and yet they said nothing to us at the Christmas brunch

Instead, they both went back to FIL's place, and spent the evening together just to the two of them. Excluding their own brother/son, and his wife

DH isn't going to forget that one. That above all else has put him over the edge right now