Dagnummit....broke disengagement, sort of!
My DH is at the big airshow in Florida this week in Lakeland, Fl. This morning, they were hit with a severe storm/possible tornado. Fortunately, he and his buddies had taken cover in a brick building and were not harmed. He managed to get a quick call to me to let me know he was ok, but while we were talking our signal went down.
Because all of our friends and family know he is there, when the news started to post about the weather damage, and they started to show pictures of all of the planes upside down and tossed around like toys, I started to get calls, texts, and e-mails to make sure he was ok.
So, I sucked it up and sent SD24 and SS26 a text letting them know he was OK and that he couldn't receive calls for a few hours. (remember, I've been disengaged completely from SD since August and 99% from SS since September). SD sent me a text immediately concerned about his safety and well-being and thanked me for letting her know. (who is she and what has she done with SD?!)SS didn't reply---but he could be having one of his bi-polar days where he doesn't care about anyone but himself. I sooooo did not want to bother with either of them, but then I thought I should probably let them know since I was the only one "in the know" about the situation.
To all of my girlfriend posters out there who I've disappointed by "falling off the wagon", I apologize profusely! LOL! I will return to Disengagement Rehab immediately!
Yes, that would be the pointy
Yes, that would be the pointy black hat.....BWahahahahahah!!!!
It was nice of you to do
It was nice of you to do that. And look at it as doing a favor for your DH- he would want his family to know he was ok.
I think you did the right
I think you did the right thing.