Counselor is an idiot
The issue is electronics and technology. Be it cell phones, iPods, Iphones whatever....
SD14 gets told many times in the space of 10 minutes to put away her gadget of choice. It is when we are all together, talking, playing, dinner table etc.. If people are relaxing, watching TV and she is fiddling with it, that's ok.
DH asks her to put it away as she is only with him 2x a month, about 12-16 hours total... A MONTH.
BM is a control freak who calls and texts a few times an hour, no exaggeration. This has become a hot topic with the counselor apparently. This idiot calls in DH to tell him that his no cell phone rule is too strict and that since SD is so used to lax rules at BM's house with it, he should be more laid back.
We don't have 50/50 where she isn't allowed to use it for a week. I'm talking sometimes a 4hr visit. She will pull it out mid conversation and start texting away. How about teaching some manners Mrs. Idiot counselor?
This is ludicrous. So
This is ludicrous. So basically the counselor is telling your DH that he should be a crappy parent because BM is and that's what the skid is used to?!?!? She ought to be glad skid is allowed to use it at your house at all, as I'm sure DH didn't have any say in whether she got those things or not. Ugh....stupid BMs (and idiot counselors!!!)
SD13 is not allowed to bring
SD13 is not allowed to bring her phone when she visits with fiance. Its the source of too many battles and it controls her life. So we eliminate the problem entirely by not letting her bring it.
its hilarious when she asks to go home early so she can play on it. we of course dont let her and she pouts and says we are mean. she denies she has an addiction to it but clearly she does by acting like this AND by the fact that she carries it in her hands everywhere. literally. she never puts it down. even to pee.
I heard a lot about
I heard a lot about therapists and counselors when my FDH's oldest girl was in therapy after a suicide attempt. I even was in contact in a way with the counselor via email and phone message telling her what I was seeing as technically an outsider. Interestingly she was very complimentary of me to my FDH when he went to the appts with his daughter and said I was a very smart woman. I saw near the end that the counselor became a problem in that the kid would use her against us. "I'll tell so and so what you said or did." Uh, okay? I told her that a few times. I told this counselor is there to make suggestions and for her to talk to. She doesnt make ANY true decisions here for either FDH or me. Sorry, doesn't work that way. FSD20 shut up after that especially when I told her she wasn't the only one talking to her counselor, so was I. She was stunned.
The counselor has zero right to make such a decision on cell phone usage. Electronics are a privilege not a right and this counselor is an idiot.
Counselor for FSD20 complained to FDH that he was too demanding when he insisted his daughter get a minimum B average or she wouldnt get her cell phone back. Excuse me?
If I was your DH and I heard
If I was your DH and I heard that.... I would have whipped out the cell phone, put an earbud in one ear for music, then started texting....
Ugh, that is really
Ugh, that is really irritating.
the problem we have with SD's
the problem we have with SD's counselor is that (contrary to the terms of the parenting plan) the counselor was chosen solely by BM and my fiance had no say. as a result, BM "guides" what she thinks the counselor should be discussing with SD which is basically "you and your behavior are not the problem but your dad is". we made a request for the records, which we received, but conveniently any commentary by BM made during a session with the child was redacted. we argued that we have a right to knoiw what is said during an appointment of the minor child. the counselor said the BM's commments are protected. fiance's lawyer said we can get the full records through formal subpoena which will happen, and i cant wait because those comments will prove that the counseling is not helping because its not addressing the real issues.
based on my experience above, i think the only counseling that can work is where both parents are involved and the counselor is completely netural with the child's needs put first - not the needs of the parent who is trying to get custody or remove custody.
That's interesting. The
That's interesting. The counselor that the sd's see won't even give dh a report, as she "would never betray the skid's confidence. "
provided he has joint LEGAL
provided he has joint LEGAL custody he is entitled to medical records of any kind if the child is under 18. some states its under age 16, but in those cases teh courts/lawyers can get them.
id pull up the laws of your state and find the reference. have your DH then sent a letter to the provider specifically referencing the law which entitles him to the records, as well as a copy of the divorce decree showing he has joint legal custody (assumign he does). that should do the trick.
He does have joint legal
He does have joint legal custody. She has stated she doesn't keep records, so therefore, she wouldn't betray their confidence. I think its BS. How would she be able to bill insurance without records of some sort.
I think the fact that bm sees her too (sometimes with the skids) keeps her from disclosing. However, proving it in a court of law is something different.
When DH told me about this
When DH told me about this counselor's remark, I spit wine and laughed. I made the same remark about school. Smartphones aren't even allowed on campus.
Poor guy feels so kicked around right now. In any case, I said it was crazy. I reminded him that BM encourages this nonsense, and has always said DH is too strict about things.
1. not playing on youtube until 2am at 12yrs old
2. playing with flash cards at 9yrs old because her math sucked
3. finishing homework before playing
4. being on time and ready for pickups (SD would call him literally 4-5 mins before pickup and say she was running an hour or so behind, or that she wasn't home.)
Yes- he's too strict for all of the above...
He spoke to SD and they agreed that smartphones would be off for duration of visit and that it was not a punishment. (BM uses her phone privileges as punishment and freaks if SD doesn't text her back within a few minutes)
At one point he said no phone was to come to our house and BM started WW3. She needs to make sure her baby girl isn't dead, you see??? (verbatim from SD)
This is easily solved by
This is easily solved by flushing the phone down the toilet. My Skid is not allowed to have his phone on when he visits his mom and I and he is an adult. He pushed this with us once when he was in his teens and I did throw his phone in the toilet.
My house my rules.
LOL Rags, I adore you!
LOL Rags, I adore you!
LOVE it. In the past I have
LOVE it.
In the past I have taken it away and put it in my pocket. Now? I'm done. She wants to be socially inept? ok.
It's up to DH.
He thinks her world of made up friends is 'cute'. It screams psychopathy to me.
Since we are going to court,
Since we are going to court, BM worked her usual manipulations with the system and had SD ask to speak to CAS. Apparently SD has been working with a CAS counselor for a little while, unbeknownst to DH.
This is after BM pulled SD out of counseling last spring, because it was a great counselor who had the CHILD's best interest at heart. Imagine.... This bitch just shops around until someone agrees with her.
This CAS case worker/counselor is just a douche... and a man....