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Co parenting issues

girlonstage22's picture

Has anyone read "The Co-Parenting Survival Guide" by Elizabeth Thayer; Jeffrey Zimmerman?

I bought one for DH and BM so maybe they could learn some ways to work together. Neither of them know it's from me. Think it's for SD's sake so they agreed to read it. I'm told it's good but wondering if anyone has opinion on it.

BM and DH are horrible with each other. I have no clue how they lasted 10 years! Both of them speak so rudely to each other. I'm sick of it! We could maybe have a better life if they could just learn it's about what's best for SD!

girlonstage22's picture

Great idea! Thank you. This might be a lot better because neither of them are readers. Thanks again!

sixxnguns's picture

My BF and his ex can't even speak to one another without getting into a pissing match about who's the better parent and who hates who more...all I can say to BF is GROW UP! I understand they hate each other but where is the common courtesy FOR the sake of the kid?

girlonstage22's picture

Yeah I don't understand it at all. They're not married anymore so they should quit the fighting. The point of divorce is to stop the fights! I'm so fed up with both of them for how they treat each other because it hurts SD. They act like kids!