This Child Is Unreal!
My SD13 has pushed me to the point that I have decided to save my marriage and my sanity, I have to completely, no half-stepping, back away from her and anything dealing with her. She has been trying every trick in the book from snide remarks and smart-@ss comments to faking illness to try to avoid her day to do dishes! Today was the last straw! She knows today is her day to do dishes; she and I alternate days. When my DH starting cooking dinner, she tried to tell my DH that she wasn't feeling well. Mind you, she was laughing, talking and giggling with her dad at videos on the internet minutes beforehand. :? My DH asked me to check her and take her temperature, I have had formal MA (medical Assistant) training. I refused, I told him that he knows how to take a temperature. Of course, no temperature I have a very uncanny feeling she was lying, so I said to her, if you are faking being sick to get out of doing dishes, forget about, you will be doing the dishes, it is your day. Miraculously after I said that to her in my husband's presence, she was feeling better and laughing at youtube videos again within minutes. :jawdrop: I am so sick of this BS! I do care about this child because I know she has a sh*tty mother but I swear my patience are not up to this. I am afraid if I back off, I will be back to the h*ll I was in before I got involved with helping my DH with her when she came to live with us in June. Guys, I really need your advise, should I hang in there or give up?
The article linked below will
The article linked below will help you back off. Others who have faithfully and fully implemented it (altered to fix circumstances) have often been amazed at the difference in both the parent and the childs' behavior once they realize you can't be taken in. Yes your husband has been leading you along successfully so far in getting you to parent his kid. He'll be far less joyful at her living with him full time once he realizes he'll have to do the parenting. Let us know how it works.
Thumbs up to my DH, she is
Thumbs up to my DH, she is washing dishes as I type this! Nice try lil' girlie! I guess daddy didn't buy it either! Maybe I will hold off on a total disengage.
Every lil bit counts!
Here's an interesting thought
Here's an interesting thought ~ do you think BM plays that on SD and that's where she learns it ??
I never thought about that
I never thought about that but I do know that BM has some medical and mental issues. SD informed me that she is on meds and since I have been with my DH, BM does appear to have some severe mental issues. I guess that could have an affect on SD's behavior.