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Can I have an ear before I explode?

The Triangle's picture

BM has 50% custody. BM moved 3 hours away. BM now sees ss eow. TOO MUCH TRAVEL! Now we are in the process of going back to court. BM wants to settle. BM wants to see ss e3rdw. DH and I think every 2nd weekend of the month would be best so ss can actually play a sport or something!!!!!!!!!!!!! BM doesn't want to. BM is supposed to see ss this weekend. BM just emailed and changed her visitation?!?!?!?!?!?? WHAT THE F*C*!!!!!!!!? BM doesn't want to comply. BM BM BM... see the pattern? I am about to tell her where to go and how to get there. Hell I'll draw her a map! HELP!

Orange County Ca's picture

Have your husband get a court order of visitation and stick to it without fail. Do not ask for changes and grant none. I.e. follow it to the minute. It's the only way to deal with these parents who want to rule your lives.

Your husband should ask the court that she shoulder the burden and costs of transportation. After all he did not move and she chose to do so and can move back if she so desires. Just because she got a job, or a better one, or wants to go to school or got a new boyfriend is irrelevent.

She should have stuck around for her childrens sake.

The Triangle's picture

I totally agree. She does all the driving. Well her parents. She barely even sees ss. It is starting to put a wrench in the marriage spokes. I am sick of my marriage being back burner. Enough, why feel guilty? We give him more than she ever could. Guess I don't have kids so I don't get it? At least that seems to be the record stuck on repeat in my head...It seems as though I am supposed to sit back and be quiet. DH is kind and loves me but I feel like his guilt and dedication to this war is draining any other passion from him... LOST...

jumanji's picture

Why is every 3rd w/e worse than every 2nd w/e? That's what I got out of your post. My kids went to their Dad's one w/e a month, and were still able to participate in sports, Scouts, etc.