Bringing their own bedding??? I give up!
Ok so this weekend the SKids brought their own blankets to our house for their long weekend with us. BM's work no doubt. I would love to be a fly on the wall in that house? I wouldnt mind but when we moved to the bigger home last year I took great care to decorate their rooms, even sewed a comforter myself for SD14 when she couldnt "find" one she liked out of a hundred stores. This weekend, the nice bedding we bought and I made for them were stuffed into the closets and they both slept rolled up in blankets, sleeping bag style. This is some crazy s**t and I am glad it has happened because it is so crazy that I just give up now. I told DH no I am not going on summer vacation with them (we went for a week for spring break). He won't engage with BM over the crazy things she is saying to these children so I am definitely detaching. Her alienation tactics are becoming bizarre and damaging our relationship with the two kids. Glares, stares, rudeness etc. from them. I am DONE I have two children of my own to raise and plenty to keep me busy with my life without worrying about his kids. He is their father and if he says "just let it go" to the bedding weirdness then ok, I am happy to let it go. Thanks for listening
OMG how bizarre. I would
OMG how bizarre. I would pack up the special blankets that you have gotten/sewed for them and put them away in permanent storage, or give them to someone who you know will appreciate them. Don't say anything about it. Let them use their blankets from their mom's house. Let them forget one weekend and not have any blankets to use. }:) When they ask where they are tell them that since they weren't using them you gave them to someone who needed them and would use them.
Great idea! That way when
Great idea! That way when they forget (which they probably will) they can sleep on the bed with no blankets. Or grab a throw from the linen closet. DH has been putting his head in the sand for months. He now does not understand why I don't want to go on vacation as a "family". First of all, family don't hurt you like they do me. I spent hours sewing a comforter, picking out material etc. Its so hurtful to find it shoved into the closet. They are 14 and 11 and they know what they are doing. Granted BM is behind all of this but I have had a good relationship with them prior to her starting her craziness and I know I don't deserve this treatment in my own home!!
You are absolutely right, you
You are absolutely right, you don't deserve to be disrespected in your home. And they are definitely old enough to know that it's not appropriate to treat people that way.
I have done similar things for SD, now 15, that have gone unappreciated, like knitting hats, etc. I never hat to deal with the blatant disrespect that you're dealing with though. I have gotten to the point in our home where the disrespect, coupled with the lackof appreciation from SD and the "head in the sand" approach of DH (and his failure to back me up when needed) that I refuse to do anything for her anymore. AT ALL.
^^^ This is a great idea. If
^^^ This is a great idea. If they don't appreciate what you have done for them, give the blankets to someone else who will. What ungrateful little brats!
Wow, what a slap in the face
Wow, what a slap in the face for you. Crazy. I wouldn't do jack shit for them anymore!
Yes. If that happened, I'd
Yes. If that happened, I'd toss the kids blankets aside and tell them they have their own beds and bedding and they'll sleep in what's provided.
This has happened to us. BM
This has happened to us. BM sends them over with pillows and blankets from their beds at home. BM smokes in her house, the skids room reeked of smoke. One night and it was too much. I washed them all in the morning. BM texts DH after that weekend and complained that the skids wanted to have the smell of her and her home with them when they came to our house. DH told her to keep the pillows and blankets that smell like an ashtray at her home from now on. Skids have all they need at our home. She got pissy and tried to send them with them the next visit. DH watched them come out with their stuff and told the skids to bring it back inside. BM got pissy at DH in front of the skids. He told it like it was....NO, we do not want our house smelling like your ashtrays. She tried to get the skids all worked up and finally DH said enough....Get in the car or stay with your mother. Skids dropped the stuff on the front porch and ran to the car. LOLOL Hasn't happened again. }:)
I am so glad your DH supports
I am so glad your DH supports you. Currently mine does not, he thinks I make mountains out of molehills if I mention the disrespect and alienation. (He didnt feel it was so minor when it was directed by BM towards him). All I feel I can do now is detach completely, he won't like that at all because he likes to see us as one "family" but perhaps he will come to see that my detachment is my only way to deal with this situation and maybe he will grow a larger set of b***s and tackle BM and his kids
Thats it tell them next time
Thats it tell them next time they come over with their bedding from home.
You- sk go to your rooms and get those comforters that are on your beds and bring them to the living. And put the blankets that you brought from home and put them on your beds.
lets say they did what you said. They come back to the living room with the ones that you gave them.
You- sk because you feel more comfortable with your blankets from home we are going to the shelter and donate these blankets that ya'll don't want to use.
Don't say anything about the time you spent on the comfort or what it meant to you to make it. They probably told their BM how much they like those things and what their doing is because of BM is getting back at you for being nice to her kids.
I would stick to the fact that if the don't want to use what you've gave them that someone else would love too. And it is the right thing to do by sharing their good fortune.
If they beg off and want to keep what you gave them tell them not to bring their blankets from home. Tell them that if for any reason BM is making you bring the blanket with you and thats not your choice just bring them and put them in the corner of your room till time to take them home that BM doesn't have to know you didn't sleep on them. Tell them that you will not provide stuff for them if their not going to use it. But that it makes you happy to give them things they like and that just maybe you should keep that to your selves.
That may not be the right approach but thats what I'd do. I would start trying to find a way to turn the manipulation back to BM. So that in that sly way the kids could see what BM was doing
As a young girl my mother told me no to everything I asked to do. While my sisters got to do what ever they wanted. Finally my older sister clued me in that if you get mom to think it was her idea then she would say yes. From then on I usually got to do what I asked.
You just have to out smart them and not get cought. LOL
How frustrating for you. I
How frustrating for you. I don't know what you can DO about it beyond ban them from bringing bedding to your house, but you have to have DH's support there. We bought SD brand new bedding when she decided to change her room theme. Sheets, comforter, pillows, even painted her furniture (dresser and desk) to match and reupholstered and painted a chair. ONE YEAR LATER, she decided she didn't like it anymore and wanted a NEW room theme. So she and DH were shopping for new bedding. I put my foot down, told him I would consider getting her new bedding at some point in the future, but not now when it is only a year old and she's just in my opinion trying to be a brat. He agreed, she didn't get new bedding, although he did repaint her room for her. So one day guess what shows up at our house! A comforter made by BM's mom in the color SD wanted her new room to be and in which DH painted. I let it go, we had much bigger battles to fight, but it did chap my butt just a bit that she still got what she wanted by going around me.
There's no doubt their BM
There's no doubt their BM made them self conscious about this. They've probably heard your name when BM reads them their bedtime stories. That's really nice of you to do by the way
Yep, BM heard that you made
Yep, BM heard that you made something so special for her daughter, and probably how much her daughter loved it, this is BM punishing you. Through her kids.
How do you deal with it? I like the asking them which they'd prefer to use and then telling them they will be donating the special bedding you get/made to a shelter where some other child will love and appreciate it.
See what they do.
"Please do not bring bedding
"Please do not bring bedding from your mother's home. We do not want an insect infestation here."
ROFL @ oldone. LOLOL
ROFL @ oldone. LOLOL
NICE LOL !! I love it
NICE LOL !! I love it
Thanks so much to you all for
Thanks so much to you all for replying, your input makes me feel a lot better. And more then ever determined to detach. Great idea about brining out the bedding I made/we bought and giving them a choice. If they choose the BM blankets (which are plain ordinary ones) then I will wrap up the comforters etc in front of them and take them to the Salvation Army where they will make good use of them. Unfortunately DH is convinced (on his attorney's advice) that we should not say a thing to the kids in defence of BM's alienation tactics. The attorney thinks that not defending ourselves is better in the long run when this goes to court.She has tried for months to alienate the kids from him but that did not work, they love their Dad. So now she has turned her attention to alienating them from me.......hence the recent "blanket" craziness. Oh yes and they have also refused now to eat anything I make, BM probably tells them I will poison them! But really I feel they are old enough not to buy into this crap. DH won't address this so the only thing I can do is detach completely, not agree to vacation and already for the next few weeks I have plans to be away when they are over for the weekend. In a way I am running away but I need a break from this shit. I am going to stay with my 22 year old son (me and my daughter) and then off to a work conference so yipee I don't have to see Skids for at least 6 weeks

Thank you, I do agree that I
Thank you, I do agree that I need to take a stand in my own home. Detaching will be good for me for a while. They took their blankets back with them so thats a good idea to sit and talk to them without mentioning BM if/when they bring the blankets back. I also agree that it is time for me to talk with both of them about showing me respect. I don't have to bring up the subject of BM at all, simply state that when I speak to them I expect a polite answer etc, putting boundaries on their behavior with me.
Wooohooo! Applause. Fill the
Wooohooo! Applause. Fill the lawyer in on the whole picture. Our lawyer tried telling us to just "make BM think she's winning but we'll get what we want from her later, wink wink". Nah nah. I came with video. BM is going knows I won't back down & he helped us get sole custody (WAIT, maybe I should shoot him instead
Excellent point! I will speak
Excellent point! I will speak to him about this. Although in the past, he then insists I am making a mountain out of a molehill. But I will try again. I think the problem is that he allows them to be disrespectful towards him, I would never allow that from my kids. They call him "freak", "loser" etc in a joking manner. Or when he reprimands them, they shout "just chill" at him. And he lets it go. To me thats no way to speak to an adult. His own Father was very strict and almost abusive from what I hear so I think DH has swung the other way. But then again, when they ignore me or don't answer me when I speak to them.......thats a clear cut case of disrespect.