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Boy shoots dad's pregnant girlfriend

AVR1962's picture

Did you see it in the news? Enough to leave any step family speachless!

PoisonApples's picture

I hadn't heard about this case before but I just spent a lot of time playing catch up.

The BM all but abandoned him shortly after birth, got him back then abandoned him again when he was 5. The boy was jealous of the SM and had told people just 2 months before that he was going to kill her. He tried to cover up the crime and he left her dead for her 4 year old daughter to find.

A lot of people are blaming the father for leaving the gun out where the boy could get to it. I disagree 100%. I am NOT a gun advocate but I do believe that by 11 years of age you know better than to shoot someone. By then you know death is permanent.

Yeah, the kid had some problems but his father and other family members who are standing behind him while he claims he is innocent are doing him NO favours. If they really care about him they need to tell him to cop a plea and try to get sent to a mental hospital. I don't doubt that he is 100% guilty AND that he was well aware of what he was doing and the consequences. What his family is going to end up doing is that he will be convicted and spend his entire life in an adult prison.

I don't believe he can be rehabilitated. I believe that his character is irrevocably damaged. I do not think he should ever be let back out to roam in free society. I would rather see him go to a hospital type facility rather than prison though.

steptwins's picture

Just waiting until this happens w/my swins. BM has dozens of guns in her home, laying around, and actually gives them a gun when she hallucinates the ninja's are around. 14th Bday gift for one of them was rifle & target practice b.s. Its totally out of control, but DH says: they are boys, boys like guns. He doesn't see a problem with those blinders on his eyes ya know. Anyway, if one of them gets shot I'm completely okay with it. Smile I tried in the beginning and got no where so whatever happens, happens! If one shots me, it better be fatal b.c. I'll have 'em ALL locked up.

Rags's picture

This is definately a failure of parenting on Dads part. However, a 12yo knows right from wrong and IMHO should be held accountable for his actions. If that means being tried as an adult .... so be it.


Best regards,

Timetogiveup's picture

We have firearms and we keep them in safes, use the the gun locks, and I field strip my Glock (because that is my CCW firearm). We do this becuae we are in fear the little monster might try something like this. But the good thing is...he is afraid of loud noises, the ear protection is kept under loack and key.

It is the firearm's owner to keep his or hers weapons under his or her control at ALL times. Leaving them out where a child can grab them and start offing people is not having your firearms under you control.

BUT...I do believe that a 12 yo is capable of understand cause and effect.....esp with a firearm. these little monster play videos games that include shooting the bad guys to kill them....I am sure that have a pretty good understanding that this will have in real life.

I am sorry but I am not a bleeding heart liberal that thinks children have no concept of right and wrong or reality until they are 18.

M_Matthews's picture

I feel the same way that these guns should have been kept in safes or have a gun lock on them. I'm not exactly sure the reasoning why the 12 year old would have wanted to shoot the Dad's pregnant girlfriend, but whatever the case he shouldn't have access to items that can cause such harm. I'd place more of the blame on the parents than the child for this.