BM's Back to her old tricks again
I knew BM wouldn't last long on her baby kick. She's been preoccupied the past 8 months with an extremely needy baby. It's been blissful, but like all good things, this had to come to an end too. SS8 and SS11 came back from mom's with a whole new barrel of fun anecdotes. Firstly, Christmas Eve, SS11 asked DH if he could sleep over one more night. He initially told him no, it's BM's time, to which SS11 replied "When's it going to be MY time?" So I told DH I don't care if they stay, let him call and ask, but tell him mom will probably say no, and he needs to abide by whatever she says. 10 minutes later, he says BM said yes, and DH has to return the boys by 7:30 Christmas morning. All went through as planned, then yesterday, DH called SS11 back, and said "if you guys want to stay another night at mom's since you were here an extra night, it's okay with me." To which SS11 immediately said "NO! We want to come there!"
When DH picked up the boys they informed him of a couple things:
1) BM is quite vocal that she doesn't believe DH suffers psoriatic arthritis
2) When the boys purchased soda and candy with target gift cards for Xmas, she told them they had to save them for dad's house, because she doesn't allow junk food in hers.
3) She asked SS8 why we didn't get him more toys for Xmas (WTF?) and
4) Apparently the boys were begging BM all day Friday to come to dad's sooner, and she got pissed, yelled at them and went to her room slammed the door.
Now, seriously, the last interaction I had with BM was offering her, and sending her all of my son's hand-me-downs for her new baby. I basically hooked her up for 4 years. I don't expect much in terms of gratitude, mostly our sons were born the same month, and I had it to get rid of, so it made sense. Plus, it doesn't hurt to ease past tensions from going to court. I also was well aware that these comments were going to return when her life settled into a little too much boredom. The last time this happened, it escalated into major PAS. But the boys seem to be handling it okay this time. As long as they're okay, those comments which would have really bothered me once upon a time, just kindof wash over me now. Awesome. I think I'm growing
So what do you think? Are the boys going to eventually get sick of her BS and just want to live with us full time? It's crazy how she tries to plant the whole "Daddy is a liar and SM doesn't really care about you" garbage in their heads, while at the same time makes our house candyland to them. Anyone else think she's nuts?
She did tell DH to tell me
She did tell DH to tell me "thank you", but, to me, gratitude is backing the hell off. Again, I know she'll never be able to do that, but when someone does nice things for'd think they'd stop with alienating comments against that person. I give her absolutely no ammunition to continue, other than breathing. That is not being grateful, that's being two-faced.
The boys may just be in the
The boys may just be in the middle now but I bet as they get older they will truly see BM's colors.
Right now they seem like they would be old enough to see but when I was that age with my parents divorce though I knew my dad was a jerk it was still hard to see and understand - However now I have a greater appreciation for my mom and stepdad.
I think it is nice for you try to discount it as baby brain but it sounds like she is just simply crazy and will do anything she can to feel like she has the upper hand and things going "her" way.
I have to say I agree, she's
I have to say I agree, she's a massive control freak. And her husband is no better. Apparently his DS9 got a cellphone for Xmas, and BMH took the phone and screamed he can take it if he wants, he can take it outside and slam it on the sidewalk and destroy it if he wants. What the hell is wrong with people? Then he apparently go into it with his ESO, then came back in the house and BM and BMH started making fun of her and laughing about her in front of all the kids.
Result? SS8 came here and said "I think mom takes turns who she's being mad at."