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BM still jealous???

all4myfamily's picture

Seems like the jealousy from BM is never going to stop! A little background . . . BM cheated on my DH many times. She left him and married her current husband as soon as the law would allow her to. I met DH about a year after they split up, so I am not the other woman or anything. It as been 4 years now that I have been in the picture and married for 2 of them. She just seems to get more jealous every day. The current situation is this. I had to move 50 miles and uproot my life so that I could live with my DH. When we met, he and BM were planning on moving to my town. Once he met me and she saw how happy we are, she changed her mind at the last minute just to make things hard on us. Well, 2 years later, we finally made the move and everything worked out. Until BM got jealous again. First she was jealous of our house so she took us back to court for money. Now she is jealous that I am trying to make friends and start my life in the new town. I reached out to some of the other moms that I have meet at the various sporting events that we attend for the kids. BM found out that I was planning an evening out with the ladies and told DH that I have offended the ladies by making them choose who to be friends with, her or me. She is just crazy! Well, despite her efforts, I still had the night out with the ladies. It went great! I have started to make a few new friends and life is going in the right direction. Guess I am just wondering if any of you have similar BM's with jealousy issues? Share your stories if you have a good one!

Anon2009's picture

BM is learning that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

BM and DH need to communicate about the kids. That's it. If she starts talking about you, unless it involves the kids, he needs to shut her down by going back to what was being discussed about the kids.

hereiam's picture

BM is jealous of me and pissed that DH did not do what she wanted. She had a habit of kicking him out, then wanting him back when money got tight and she was tired of taking care of her kids. She knew he would come back for the kids (one his, one not but he loved her son).

He finally was done, he would go back no more. She has been pissed ever since. She now tells everybody that she feels sorry for me.

StepKat's picture

Oh yes! BM is extremely jealous and out right nuts. She hates that DH and I have been happily married for 5 years (she's been remarried & divorced 3 times since leaving DH). She hates that I made it through Basic Training and now I'm a SGT (she tried to join and didn't make it 2 weeks at basic). She hates that I'm a college graduate with a career job (she's always getting fired and finding new dead end jobs). To put it simply her life sucks and its her own fault but she will never admit it so she has to hate me and take it out on me.