Bet ya he won't play the I forgot card again.
Last night DH informed me that he arranged to see his kids on Saturday. He didn't tell me before hand that he had planned on doing this, just did it. Can you imagine the look on his face when I told him...
"Ok, but you're not taking my car and I'll be at friends house most of the day."
One day I will get a picture of the look on his face and use that as his picture ID on my phone. It's just too cute, and amusing. Then he goes into the usual rants, my car has no ac, I wanted to do something with all of us together, yada yada yada.
Me- DH, I told you over a month ago about today, it's not only her babyshower but I'm hosting it. I'm cooking for it, and I have all the decorations and games in the trunk.
DH- Oh, I forgot.
Me- I told you to write it on the calender, I've also reminded you several times.
DH- Can't you just drop off that stuff and come back home?
Me- So, because you forgot I'm suppose to cancel my plans; that I've had for almost two months and leave friend 8 1/2 months pregnant to decorate, serve, host, and then clean up all by herself? No DH, I'm not canceling. I've been looking forward to this too. And again you didn't even talk to me about getting them until you already made the arragments with their moms and told them daddy was coming.
So, DH now gets an entire day of quality time with his darling littles. I'm sure it'll be pure bliss for him. But I was just curious, has any one elses hubby played the "I forgot" card and seriously asked you to drop every thing you had planned because of this?
He doesn't do it often, but
He doesn't do it often, but he has done it in the past which is why I got him the big calender and put in on the wall next to his desk so that before he commits me to something he can look to see if I have something planned. It just really annoyed this time because it hasn't been an easy pregnancy for my friend and I'm not going to put all the burden on her.
Even if I didn't have plans I
Even if I didn't have plans I wouldn't just go along to see the skids with DH because he told me so. Um no.
I think you did exactly right.
Yes! Last time we had his
Yes! Last time we had his offspring...he told me FRIDAY at 2:30, while I was at work. He texts me "Great news, babe! The seahag texted me that offspring's plans have changed this weekend and we can pick her up tonight. So I won't be going golfing anymore and WE can ALL go and do x, y, z fun plans I was going to do with my mom and DS whilst he was gone for the day." :jawdrop: Are you freaking kidding me?! I was so pissed off. I told him he could do what he wanted with her, since he chose to discuss having her with the seahag behind my back, but DS and I would be going to the pumpkin patch etc...with my mom as planned. ALONE. We fought all weekend, but I did not care - I HATE when he does that behind my back and then says "Great news, babe!"
The emergency C-section I had after huddling on my side for 16 hours of labor was more fun then surprise visits from the offspring. No, I'm really not being dramatic.
You got it! He drops his
You got it! He drops his whole life for her, but because DS is ours and he's around all the time...he doesn't need to participate. So - "family time" only happens when she's here. You can imagine where a little of my bitterness comes from.
I completely believe you
I completely believe you about the c-section being more fun.
Same here! I was getting mad
Same here! I was getting mad as I was reading..then I burst out laughing when I finsished. What.a.twit!! Fancy asking Op to give up her well made plans to hang out with SD!!
Now he can enjoy SD's company and really spend time with her.
You are AWESOME for not allowing him into guilting you to change your mind. AWESOME!
No, thank god, I can't
No, thank god, I can't remember DH doing anything like this to me! I have to say though, that if he'd scheduled something without talking to me and I already had plans (whether I'd told him or not), his reaction would be more, "Oh! OK. Well, do you mind if we go without you?"
No DH, I wouldn't mind at all!
Thankfully DH is good about actually being a father and not expecting me to be "mom" to the skids.
I can't imagine a world in
I can't imagine a world in where I would choose hanging out with the skids over cleaning toilets, not just mine, any one who needed their toilet cleaned that day, if their here, I'm down for scrubbin
DH, a smart guy with multiple
DH, a smart guy with multiple advanced degrees, can't use a calendar (paper or electronic) to save his life. Usually I don't care as the skids are adults and we're past most issues with them (can I get an AMEN) and I have plenty to do on my own. But once we had pricey tickets to an event that we were both looking forward to, talked about it for months. Dunderhead forgets, books a band rehearsal, then when he realizes his mistake tells me it's fine for me to find somebody else to go to said event with. (If only we lived closer to a former boyfriend that he can't stand...)
So I was dumped and he thought nothing of it. I suggested that disappointing his wife might be a whole lot worse than disappointing a random pickup band and he might rethink that decision. He did. We went to the event and had great fun. His calendar skills are no better, but so far he hasn't messed up like that again.
The presumption that his plans are more important is so aggravating!
"I suggested that
"I suggested that disappointing his wife might be a whole lot worse than disappointing a random pickup band and he might rethink that decision." LOVE IT!!!
I am constantly expected to
I am constantly expected to change plans, and appointments to chauffer his children, or go home and cook for them while he works late. Lately Friday nights, instead of coming home, he goes out with his mates directly from work, while I come home and cook for them and then spend the night fending off questions about where dad is...well last night, when he rang and said going out with mates, I said so am I, and didn't go home either. Don't know or care how kids got fed, or was with the 9 year old after 13 year old left to go to a party.
lol...I love it!!
lol...I love it!!