Bedwetting-setting limits
I know that this was mentioned in a post earlier-i just wanted to get everyone's opinions because i am fixing to have a big talk with dh about this. SS is 12 and wets pretty much nightly. He did have a period of dryness from ages 4-6. So an underdeveloped bladder is not the cause of his wetting. We have been told it's "emotional". He has taken meds for it, but they dont help either. Now, that being said all 3 of my kids have been or still are bedwetters. My dd is 12 but hasnt wet the bed for years, but she did up until about 8 or 9. My dh, who is 11 wets the bed occassionally maybe once every 2 weeks. My dd, 8, wets the bed probably 75 per cent of the time-but as I said ss wets more than any of them. My kids (except my 12 y.o.) all have plastic sheets on their beds. If they wet the bed, the expectation is for them to remove the things they urinated on and put them in the laundry room. i will do their laundry and then they are responsible for putting it back on their bed. SS sleeps on a futon. I have talked to dh for two years now about getting him a plastic sheet. At one point, i provided him with my dd's old plastic sheet-but ss stuffed it under the futon, peed, and it dripped down and formed a puddle on the plastic sheet underneath it. it then sat there for a week before we discovered it due to the nauseauting smell. it was so disgusting that dh just threw the sheet away. I have talked to dh about ss wearing pullups-initially he was very against it (the other kids dont wear them) because he didnt want ss to feel bad. Now at varying times he will insist ss wear them, but ss will put one on and take it off after we go to bed or somehow manages to wet thru the thing and dh does not consistently enforce that he wear it. So usually he does not, only rarely. So then i talked to dh about having ss at least bring his urinated things to the laundry room. Dh got upset with me because i was only asking ss to do this-well, he was the only one because the others if they wet typically do it independently. If I need to remind them, i do so. SS will lie about wetting the bed and hide the blankets in various locations that to my delight I find much later by following the nasty smell. By the way I am the one who always does the laundry-dh never does it and certainly ss doesn't. Well, we just got new carpet in the boys room. At first there was a wooden shelf under the futon that was from the closet. The carpet people put it there instead of putting it back up and I just left it thinking oh, well atleast it will protect the floor. Unknown to me my son and daughter moved it out of there about a month ago because it smelled-I found it in the garage and it has multiple urine stains on it. I also found a monopoly gameboard out there-that bio son had slid under the futon while picking up and it smells strongly of urine and is completely wet and ruined. This past week he peed on futon onto the new carpet. He hid his wet blanket under my son's bed. So I am done. Now, dh has the same arguments every time-bioson occsassionally sleeps on the futon when ss is not there and although I can think of no time in any sort of recent history that he might have wet himself while there-dh still insists that it is just as much to blame as ss. He may have wet on it maybe 2 or 3 times in a 2 year period, but I cant think of any occassions in the past 6 months whatsoever. We also got new living room furniture. My bio son and bio daughter have both fell asleep once and wet themselves. I punished them by taking away privileges, yelled at them, and threatened them within an inch of their lives if they ever slept on the couch again much less wet on it. They were both conscientious about cleaning it with antibacterial spray, drying it with a fan, and promising to never do it again. Dh found out and i know that he will throw this up as well. it makes no difference that my kids are grounded and reprimanded-then learn from it and dont' do it again while ss takes no repsonsibility, i am forced to clean up after him, and no one even says a word to him about it. But its driving me seriously crazy. We are trying to sell our house and urine smelling rooms dont sell well. One of my issues is that my kids know they have had problems with bedwetting and are very embarrassed about it and try to take precautions. They limit their fluid intake, make sure they use the bathroom before going to bed, etc. In fact the times my son does wet are usually because he gets lax and forgets one of these things. My son will immediately shower if he wets self, even if it is 3am. If ss wets self at 3am, he takes off his urine underwear,throws it on the floor along withhis urine soaked blanket, grabs another one and then will wet again on that before the night is over. SS will blatantly state that he has absolutely NO control over bedwetting. That there is nothing he can do that might help reduce the chances of his bedwetting so he is not going to bother to restrict fluid or try to remember to use the bathroom before bed. I feel like his attitude is a huge part of the problem. By the way he does not shower the whole weekend her is here and that also grosses me out, but I just keep my distance and dont inahle. he doesnt even try to stop-because it's not his fault. So I want to talk to dh before ss comes over next, how do you think i should approach this?
First, take the house off the
First, take the house off the market, take pressure off yourself too. Then go to the dick doctor. (sorry about verbiage). Perhaps SS needs to circumcised, or his uretha expanded or some other really painful procedure... I bet one examination/threat of operation will cure the SS of his issue with peeing.
You've definitely never had a
You've definitely never had a kid that was a bedwetter! Threats don't work and actually would make it worse.
Hmmm. That's a strategy I've
Hmmm. That's a strategy I've not thought of. Maybe I'll just talk to him about some penis operations that might help him.
I dont think it is our
I dont think it is our atmosphere. Bedwetting is often hereditary and dh and I were both bedwetters. My dd outgrew it, my bio son has almost outgrown it, and my youngest is also on her way. So I certainly understand all the dynamics of bedwetting, but I just can't be ok with him taking no responsibility.
I agree that dh needs to do these things. However there are some complications. Dh doesnt live here full time either-only on weekends. So when I find the hidden blankets 3days after they leave-it seems a little pointless. My dh also has a mild traumatic brain injury and he truly does forget alot of things. He is around my and our kids more and they all shower and do things independently and dh just sort of assumes that ss is doing these things as well. I cant believe I am making excuses for dh-but we are sort of in a holding pattern here and it makes it difficult to make too many changes.
It wasn't posed as a threat.
It wasn't posed as a threat. Seriously make an appt. with a urologist & let SS decide thereafter if medical intervention(s) are necessary to help him control bedwetting.
My SS had issues with tummy aches and couldn't go to school... He had an endoscope (tube goes down throat into stomach w/camera). Still nothing showed up, still tummy aching. Next test was colonoscopy. Miracle happened immediately: no tummy ache & can attend school. True story. He was 11.
Unfortunately I think ss
Unfortunately I think ss would like the attention. This is a kid who pretended he was psychotic for 3 months and ended up in the psychiatric hospital just because he likes attention.
I just saw where your DH is
I just saw where your DH is gone all week. Where is he all week? Have him take SS with him for the week. Bet that will go over big with your DH. He may have to remember he's a parent... Or maybe you can make him a wallchart at home for weekends to remind him of what expected of SS. I don't fall for the "I forgot" excuse - too convenient & too lame plus doesn't it come with a bit of anger too (they resent being blamed b.c. they forgot=SM a bitch).
Dh truly does forget-he has a
Dh truly does forget-he has a traumatic brain injury. He is on an army base all week getting treatment for his various medical conditions and waiting to be medically retired. So I would love it if he took ss for the week-as I am sure bm would be too, but it's not an option. I do like the idea of a wall chart-which would help dh remember just as much as ss. As far as the urologist-ss has been saying he's going to have an appt with one any day now for the last 3 years. Again, options are real limited as dh can't come home during the week and bm is obviously not interested in taking him.
I guess this tbi is a huge
I guess this tbi is a huge part of the problem-dh does forget and I get tired of reminding him all the time and yes, I do feel like a nag and at times he perceives me that way as I am constantly reminding him to parent his son. He thinks I am picking on ss, although he doesn't understand that if I want my own son to take a shower I just tell him and he does it-there's no issue. If I tell ss to shower, he gets pissy (no pun intended) with me and makes sure that he definitely doesnt shower.
Does SS live with you all
Does SS live with you all week? If so and especially if DH isn't there, I wouldn't give SS a choice. I would tell him a plastic sheet is non-optional/non-negotiable and wearing a good night the same thing. Non-optional, PERIOD. Save the smelly sheets in a garbage bag and MAKE DH wash them on the weekends when he is home. Make him face the yuckiness of bedwetting. (I've soooo been there, I understand!) I think if you really stick to your guns DH might realize he HAS to make SS take some responsibility.
the only thing i would add to
the only thing i would add to chavez's comment is to make SS put the sheets in the bag and save for dh
Yes, absolutely make SS put
Yes, absolutely make SS put them in himself!
No, ss lives with his bm. We
No, ss lives with his bm. We did have custody since he was 1, but he moved out almost 3 years ago when dh was deployed and with things as bad as they are I dont anticipate him ever coming back. I could save the sheets in a plastic bag that would be an idea. I think dh and i are going to have to sit down this w/e and make some rules/guidelines-our life has been so crazy the last 3 years that we have not really done that and it is time. If I write them down there is less chance that anyone will forget!
Hi.. My ss10 almost 11 still
Hi.. My ss10 almost 11 still wets the bed at night, we are EOW situation. My ss still wets the bed too when he's with the BM. From what he tells us she makes him wear overnights to bed. We limit his intake at night and we make him go to the bathroom before he goes to bed. We also set the alarm and wake him up about 2 or 3 am, now this does start a fight often, he's even cried and told me to take him home instead of peeing at nigh (its a 40min drive to his BM's house) And as frustrating as it is sometimes trying to wake him up to go, he often wakes up dry and we high five in the morning and give him compliments, which I think helps. If he still has an accident I do what you do and have him strip the bed and put it downstairs, he won't tell us that he wets, I have to check the bed. Usually a good indicator to us that he wet is he's not lounging in his pj's in the morning. The ex did at one point take him to a uroligist (the pee dr) and they made us track his wetting vs waking up dry and when we took him to the bathroom at night. He was dry with us and wet with her. The dr's suggestion to her was wake him up at night and cut back his intake. Unfortanetly she doesn't do that. Hope this helps.. Good luck!!
My girlfriends 9yr old son
My girlfriends 9yr old son has a bedwetting problem as well. Before I met my girlfriend (2 yrs ago) she always fed her son cereal into a habit everynight. I asked her to stop giving it to him and the peeing stopped. Maybe it's what he/she eats before bed time. Bed wetting didn't stop till the 3rd night of no-cereal. I guess so the bladder gets use to the change (not sure). To me I felt the same way like you did. It was gross and nasty to deal with his bedsheets and smell of his room. Just thought I share that since I really didn't see anything about bed time snacks or anything in your original posting. Good luck.