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BD9 birthday party, SD15 and her bf UGH's picture

BD9 had her birthday party SD21 dropped her 1 and 3 year old off early and left to go to his nieces party. SD15 was supposed to watch them.......she went to hide out in her room and shower and get ready bc her bf was coming. The 1 year old was on the table climbing chairs pulling decorations down while I'm trying to prepare for the party and the guests that were coming.
I was livid. I was so crabby, FDH and I started fighting about it bc he didn't think it was that big of deal...SD21 came back at 9pm!!!! Her kids were into everything. I'm still pissed. How rude. FDH said he thought she was going to come to atleast some of the party.

SD15 brought her BF over for us to meet. Nice kid. Interesting FDH lets them in her room alone and we went to the mall yesterday, SD15 said it was boring for her so she stayed home. WE got home and guess who was there???? FDH didn't say shit. How inappropriate. I told him that is setting an example for my daughter and that is not ok. He's giving them all this privacy and opportunity to be alone and have sex.

He says he will talk to her....bullshit. He's afraid to say anything bc then she wont come over. Shes been over 4 days in a row with her boyfriend. WTF

Now FDH and I are fighting bc I'm pissed at sd21 and sd15 has no rule or boundaries and FDH talks the talk and doesn't follow through with shit

oldone's picture

Why wasn't your DH watching HIS grandkids since HIS daughter dropped them off?

I'd bet big money on his daughter being sexually active. She'll be over there ALL the time if she thinks she and her boyfriend will have privacy for sex.'s picture

he was busy helping me too! ran to the store and was visiting with ppl who showed up already. I told him to make SD15 watch them bc she agreed to and he never did. So we are fighting bc I'm still irritated.

His step son walked in and blatenly ignored me. I'm so over his ENTIRE family right now....... :sick:

msg1986's picture

So basically Daddy is giving sd15 a free hotel room to play hanky panky? So sad.

You should tell him if he doesn't put the smack down he's going to have another proud teen mom like he had w/ sd21.'s picture

Already did, I even said wow, how does it feel to give your daughter permission and privacy for her and her bf to have sex in your house??? He says he's going to talk to her....I already told him that if she gets preggo I'm moving out.

He's working late all week, not happeneng when I'm home!