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Barging into the house-How do you handle it

Jelly2's picture

My adult Skids barge into the house unannounced and uninvited all the time. When I have enough warning(I hear someone pull up or the dog starts barking)I take off my pants. Yep, sure do. I don't care if my son-in-law is the one coming in or not.
I have spoken to Dh about this, but sometimes he doesn't even know they are coming over. They all know his work schedule-it hasn't changed in 15 years, and half the time he isn't even home when they come in!! I think it's a dominance thing-like "WE WILL BARGE IN TO *DADS* HOUSE WHENEVER WE DAMN WANT TO. (BTW it's me and dhs house).
I try to keep the door locked but there's always someone leaving it unlocked.
Now with the SD12, since she actually DOES live here (unfortunately) half the time, I asked her mother to call me before she comes over to pick up a forgotten item or whatever if its not dhs time to actually have the skid here. BM was taken aback, but I don't care. The BM is an intrusive B*tch so she needed to be shut down right about then.

simifan's picture

Put on a nice lacey teddy, some porn on the TV & scream welcome home darlin' when they come it. Then say oh I thought you were your dad you were planning an adult evening. }:)

Don't forget to tell DH what he missed out on.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

This is awesome !!!! Please tell me you will do this !!! This is a cliff hanger moment

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I was thinking a leather teddy, some stiletto beeyotch heels, and a whip!

Shaman29's picture

Change the locks. Simple fix to this kind of problem.

Tell your H to keep the door locked or you're moving out so you can have some privacy.

This would drive me nuts, no matter who was barging into my home.

luchay's picture

Do they live close by? Do they also leave there doors unlocked when at home?

If so, I would take to just "popping by" very often, just walk in to their homes two or three times a week should do it....

If/when they complain say "Oh, I thought we had an open door policy in this family? You don't like me just popping in? Ok, I'll make a deal with you, I'll stop walking unannounced into your house if you stop doing it at mine?"

But I do like the porn/lingerie idea....

Jelly2's picture

Somebody ALWAYS leaves the door unlocked. I guess I could just go downstairs and check it every 5 minutes....
Dh used to leave his old house unlocked and the kids came and went as they pleased. What he doesn't understand is that the house that we bought together is OUR house. He'd really rather offend me than his kids-that's apparent.
I guess all I can really do is keep running around in panties. Maybe I should switch to G-strings. Maybe if my son-in-law and SDs SS walked into that it would make more of an impact.
I like the idea of just pulling up to the skids houses and opening their front door, too. That's pretty cool.
And no, none of the skids have any manners of any type towards anyone.

SMof2Girls's picture

Find one of those self-locking knobs. The ones that lock automatically when the door closes, but can still be opened without unlocking from the inside. Like a hotel knob .. if they even make those for regular front doors ..

SecondGeneration's picture

Change the locks or change the door to one of those doors that you can only open from the outside with the key. (normal latch on the inside)
Or for a cheaper option get one of those burglar chains, you know simple chain on the back of the door. So doesnt matter if the door is locked or unlocked they can only open the damn thing a little without you coming to unlock it.