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Attention Hog!

MamaBass's picture

My SS15 is lazy. But at least he's quiet. SS10 on the other hand is an annoying attention-seeking pest! He has been babied by BM since I've known him- even changes his tone when he speaks to her, and her to him. If SS15 is ever not home, SS10 is glued to DH and my side. He's constantly in our faces and CANNOT spend time alone- unless he is playing on his iPod, then he shuts-up and focuses like nothing else!
Problem is, I have officially started disengaging from skids, which DH is totally on board with- yay! I can only ignore so much though!

Anyone have suggestions for dealing with this besides running to my room and hiding??? DH is annoyed by his behavior as well, and is constantly telling him to tone it down, go read alone, and even giving him consequences. But BM fills him with sugar and crap that he shouldn't have and won't listen to us when we ask her not too. Ugh...
