Apples to Oranges
Roughly 2 years ago princess SD15 moved in w/ us F.T. At first she Walked ALL over daddy.....wrapped him around her finger; she came and went; snuck out; stole; slept w/ several people.....even in our home. I threatened to leave him if things did not changed; he began to buckle down. Opened his eyes; got her on the pill, listened to me.
Now; go figure - BD13 is being queen mouth!! She never knows when to shut it.....she does not lie, cheat, steal and has not even kissed a boy yet. (she is very shy that way)
I agree I must open my eyes here and buckle down too!
but since he has done this; he is acting like KING perfect parent!! soooooo annoying!!
Have any of you dealt w/ this. I try to tell him they are diff kids and have done diff crimes.......but he thinks they should be dealt w/ the same way......I do not!
opinions please
They are different kids, but
They are different kids, but disrespect is disrespect and should have zero tolerance.