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Anyone else hate snow days

3798HH's picture

Of course Monday is coming and theres like 6inches of snow on the ground so that means here comes a snowday and its DH's week to have SS6... I work 2nd shift and DH is off Monday and Tuesday so those days are my days with DH for us time before I go to work.. since DH works 1st shift and me 2nd Wed thru Sat we only see each other all day on Sundays. I love it when SS is in school that way he's not here pissing me off before I go to work... Stupid snow now he will be here Mon and possibly Tues when he shoulda been at school! I HATE SNOW DAYS (at least everyother week when SS is here) other than that I like snow lol

3798HH's picture

lol funny thing with the work situation, I just started 2nd shift and I wont admit it to DH but it puts me away from SS as much as possible and I love it... no more mon-fri nights dealing with his attitude and whinny ass... i get time with my DH mon and tues before I go to work since he's off those days and so now unless there is a friggin snow day at school I only see SS on sat morning until 2 and all day sunday... yea no more hissy fits over homework or bed hahah thats all up to DH now lol.. just miss my DH of the evenings not the SS

Last-Wife's picture

It depends! My skids go to school in a different school district than the one I teach in and my bio-son attends... If we are all snowed in together, it sucks. If my district is cancelled, and theirs has school, i make sure Gibby and I have the best of it!

overit2's picture

Yes, me too! I feel like I've been off for so long from work, and I'm tired of struggling to make arrangements for babysitting for my own kids...increased cost or chance taking more time from work off.
Last time stupid BM got 2-3 more days off because of 1 inch of snow saying she was "stuck" from BF. I bet you anything she'll do it again now that they're saying Mon is snow.

SHe THINKS they'll be coming to see us if their is snow for I'm standing firm. This is the first weekend I will drive a point home to her-she's not visiting in my home this wknd-period. We saw her at a bday party yesterday-her dad and I are upside down about withdrawing because it pulls us apart also. But she's got to know this is serious.