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All in the same day

staying calm's picture

Yesterday, I get home from work and this is what happens....So SD7 is sitting in my chair, watching a tv show with DH, and she's in her underware. I expained to her and DH that she needed clothes on. DH said "well it was just so hot and she wanted to wear underware." So she puts on clothes and comes back out and sits in DH's lap. I ignore it and go to change. When I come back she is smacking DH on the back, and he is ignorning her and doing something on the computer. Neither one of them is watching TV. So I go back into the family room and turn the tv to the news. She immediatly starts complaining that they didn't get to finish their show. DH assures her they will watch it later. I ask her to go into the kitchen and wash her bowl with milk left from breakfast. She goes into the kitchen, puts water in the bowl and comes back out and climbs onto the back of DH's chair. DH ignores her. Eventually she falls to the floor, goes into her room, gets a noisy toy and comes back into the family room standing in front of the tv. I ask her to go into her room. She does for about 15 seconds and comes out to ask DH to read to her. He tells her to go outside and read her book. 5 Seconds later she comes back in the house to "get a drink". I send her back outside. 2 minutes later she comes back inside to "go to the bathroom". I send her back outside after she goes. 35 seconds later she comes back in the house with no particular intent. I looked her dead in the eyes and said "what are you doing?!" She said "I don't know". I told her to go back outside. This is all in less than 5 minutes. DH gets up and goes to take her to get dinner. As soon as she comes back she's in the family room, in front of the tv again. DH tells her to clean her room. She stands in her door and watches tv. I tell DH she's not cleaning. He tells her to clean. She goes in her room and shuts the door. He tells her to keep it open. She shuts it. He tells her to leave it open. A few minutes later she closes it. He tells her to leave it open. A few minutes later she closes it. Over and over and over until I snapped and screamed for her to go to bed. She strips to her underware, and stands in her door watching tv.

She is annoying. But what is the real problem here. .... all day I thought about it.. IT's DH. He just lets her do what ever she wants. There are never any real consequences. How can I wake him up and get what I would consider to be normal responces from him?! I need help or I will snap someone's neck!! probably my own

SMof2Girls's picture

Very typical for a kid pushing limits. She knows she can get away with it.

I battle SD6 with this kind of stuff all the time. She's a good kid overall and I don't believe she does these things intentionally, but it's annoying all the same. I found myself telling her to do something 10 times, and it was either blatant ignoring me or her explaining to me why she didn't want to do what I ask.

DH had a very stern talk with both skids and we implemented consequences. They know the rules and we made it very clear that consequences would be enforced. It is significantly less of a problem now. DH still slips, and the kids make mistakes, but it's FAR less common.