7 year old Step Daughter at the center of it all...help
Right here we go!
Basially I am getting to the stage of breaking point with my 7 year old step daughter. She is the youngest of 3 girls (the others are 10 and 12) and is constantly at the root of all the bickering and arguing that goes on between them all (and there is lots and lots).
She is also very very rude and disobediant to her mum which makes me very angry. In a nutshell she never ever does anything that is asked of her, is rude at the dinner table and constantly talking back. It causes chaos and arguments for the whole house.
The other trouble is that the 3 girls still see their dad (should be a good thing) who unfortunately is very wealthy and lavishes them with expensive gifts and lets them get away with everything. He sees them every other weekend but that is an effort and basically his kids fit in his life instead of him fitting in with theirs and gets round them by letting them do what they like and buying them expensive gifts. For example they ALL got a Laptop, Ninetendo Wii and DVD players for Xmas.......crazy!!
Its my partner I feel sorry for most because she does not know what else to do with the youngest - she has grounded her, taken her mobile phone away (yes daddy bought it) and banned her from having friends round but to no aval as she is still loud, rude and the center of all the arguments.
I have tried a cple of times to be firm but of course I always get the 'it's nothing to do with you, you can't tell me what to do etc etc that comes back. My partner obviously tells her that it is but it doesn;t work.
Any suggestions on how we sort out this rude, flash, spoilt little girl??
I would try counseling for her and the family as a unit. Also, get her BF involved in the counseling because it appears he is at the root of her anger and dissatisfaction. Someone needs to tell him that it does not matter how many tinker toys he buys his girls they will never replace the love that they are starving for from their father. Little girls that don't' have a loving relationship with their dads have a lot of problems all of their lives. She has a lot of misplaced anger and counseling could help her direct it to the right person.