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zerostepdrama's Blog

Reminder of a skid story

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When things were still good with the skids and even before DH and I moved in together, etc. I offered to pay for all of us to go to an indoor water park. I was really looking forward to it, since it was the middle of winter and I was so over the cold and gloom of winter.

So I get the tickets and have it planned. Looking forward to the kids having fun and DH and I having some fun too.

DH tells me 2 days before that him and YSD can't go because she has a "modeling interview".


OT: Allegiant Air

zerostepdrama's picture

Has anyone flown on Allegiant Air and if so have you had any problems? I read their reviews and they aren't the best in terms of flights being cancelled and horrible customer service. Plus leg space, comfort, no free pop, have to pay for luggage and to pick your seat, which I would have to do since it will be just me and BS.

If you book with them, they offer travel package options and I could save $300. Which of course is appealing. But not sure if it's worth the hassle.

Since their flight schedules are limited, I'd be really upset if our flight got cancelled.

On a totally random side note... kind of

zerostepdrama's picture

In regards to my post today about the skids moving closer and previous blogs about SIL wanting to stay with us for YSD's graduation...

The guest bedroom has been overtaken with items for a yard sale that I will have sometime this spring/summer. Bed is covered with stuff, floor is covered and the closet is packed full.

The room is really in no state for any guests and especially ones with small children.

Yelp... I should have seen this coming....

zerostepdrama's picture

YSD, the last of the skids, will graduate in May. Which means CS will be over in less then 90 days. $600 back into our household. That is good news. It will be the last tie to BM.

On a side note, YSD will give birth the following month. DH only just found out about YSD being pregnant a month ago... so we figured she was just pregnant... nope guess she's been hiding it from DH.

So this should be a happy ending... Skids all aged out... CS done... YSD having a baby and should be busy with her baby and her own life....


Sick Dad- Step situation

zerostepdrama's picture

My dad has been very sick. Basically his heart is only functioning at 15%. Doctors believe that a virus attacked his heart and made it weak. A month ago it started... sinus infection, then flu, then pneumonia and then he ended up in ICU. He was sedated, been on oxygen since he was admitted. More testing today but next 3 months will be touch and go as he can go into cardiac arrest at any time Sad

YSD to DH "Can you give BM and I another $100"

zerostepdrama's picture

YSD sends DH a text asking for another $100 for her and BM for graduation.

The way she worded it, of course pissed me off. Her and BM??? DH isn't giving anything to BM. He may give you money YSD but not BM.

So YSD proceeds to tell DH that she needs $100 for graduation and if she doesn't get it she won't be able to graduate. She also said in her words "OSD is back in town and basically robbing BM". Dirol

Listing parents name for a stepkid

zerostepdrama's picture

BS is having an article written about him for the local paper for a sports achievement.

I am the one that has paid for everything related to this sport and am the one that has spent countless hours sitting at the sport event, practice and carpooling. DH has had involvement as well, but no where near the extent of me.

Ex has had zero involvement. He has not paid for anything nor is he even remotely current on his CS. He has never once came to a practice or help with anything in regards to the sport. He has been to a total of 3 of the events out of 50.
