Need some feedback...
This story has LOTS of background, which I wont bore everyone with, but I will try to cover as much as possible.
My Dad and SM live 6 hours away. They adopted a girl (I will refer to as AS) 16 years ago. AS is a HUGE PITA. It really boils down to my parents not parenting her, on top of some mental issues that she has and some learning disablities that she has as well. But really the lack of parenting.
Due to the distance, my sister and I (we live in the same town) do not get to see Dad and family very often.
Last time dad and family come to our town was for my wedding (10/2013). Prior to that they had been to ourtown for my oldest niece's graduation party in May 2013.
AS did some really awful things to my house in May 2013. (I wont go into detail). At the time she was going through some SERIOUS mental issues (She ended up in the hospital). These issues were on top of the other issues of her basically helping herself to everything (She is very overweight) in the fridge and pantry without asking, being dirty, not washing her hands, etc. She also interupts when we try to talk to dad and SM and acts jealous of the grandkids (ages 9). So last time they stayed at my house, it was a HOT MESS and it was agreed upon that next time they come to town, they will get a hotel.
I am very OCD when it comes to my house. I run a tight ship. Expect things to be kept as clean as possible, etc. Normally I have the policy "Make yourself at home" but NEVER with AS due to she will literally eat me out of house and home and help herself to ANYTHING of mine.
I know my parents pick up on how I feel about entertaining them in my home. Its always been something that goes undiscussed. Like I said it boils down to how they parent and I really dont want to bring that up to my own parents.
Okay, so here is my dilema.
They are coming to town, 6 hours. They said they are getting a hotel. This hotel is actually 30 minutes from where we live. They chose they hotel because it has a pool (AS NEEDS a pool) and they can smoke in their hotel room (Ya nasty, so I dont need any remarks on that).
My youngest niece has dance competition practice almost all day on Saturday. It will be a PITA for my sister to then travel 30 minutes in the evening to visit parents at hotel room.
I am free on Saturday, so I am open. However my ideal is not spending all day on Saturday at their hotel in their smoke filled room. (only bonus would be the pool for BS to swim in)
If the hotel was closer. Great. But its not. I feel they are driving quite a distance to see us, but we wont really have the time to see them if they stay in this hotel.
So I sent my dad a text on Saturday and offered to let them stay at my house. He responded back with "I'll let you know"
I havent heard back.
My assumptions is that they are weighing if they think it will be worth it to stay at our house. They know what happened last time, they know what AS is capable of. It probably boils down to, if they want to spend the weekend parenting her or not (they will be forced to if they stay at our house) or just doing what they normally do, which is what they can do if they have a hotel.
If my dad takes me up on my offer I want to find a polite way to say "Make sure you are parenting AS while in my home." Any thoughts on that? Normally I am outspoken and have no problem addressing issues, but when it comes to this, its always been difficult. (It's always been. Like an elephant in the room.)
I want to spend as much time as possible with my parents while they are here. I dont want to do it at the cost of my sanity and having to deal with AS.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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Yeah... I am stressing about
Yeah... I am stressing about it. LOL.
I just feel like they drive all this way and then stay at a hotel that doesnt really work (with the smoking and the distance).
I just wish they could stay at my house, with no issues, so I could spend more time with them.
But its probably not worth it in the end, knowing the past behavior.
I agree with this, in the
I agree with this, in the future, just let them stay in the hotel, that decision was made for a reason. It will probably be less stressful for everyone involved the just drive the extra distance rather than the constant tension in a house full of people that are frustrated with the others actions/non actions.
I'd be surprised if they took
I'd be surprised if they took you up on that offer, if AS already knows they're going to a hotel with a pool that she "NEEDS" she'll probably throw a fit if that gets changed.
Also, I feel like you should have brought up your expectations of them if they do stay with you when you made the offer in the first place, instead of doing it after the fact.
At this point I'd send a message along the lines of "Before you make a final decision on where you're staying please know that if you do stay here, I will expect XYZ to happen/not happen. I'm hoping that we'll be able to spend more time together if you stay here rather in the hotel 30 minutes away"
Agree.. I think this is why
Agree.. I think this is why its taking them so long to get back to me, they are trying to determine how AS's behavior is going to be.
Yes I should had said something when I made the offer. I was in a hurry, running into the store... I should have just waited....
I'd be thanking the baby
I'd be thanking the baby Jesus if my ILs who are raising DH's niece and nephew, would stay in a hotel. They don't parent either and their kids are sneaky, disrespectful and horrible guests. I feel like I have to frisk them before they leave my house.
I'd leave the situation alone, visiting a hotel with an indoor pool that your BS can enjoy too sounds like fun!
Right... I shouldnt have even
Right... I shouldnt have even made the offer! Ugh... LOL
How old is the AS? I am a
How old is the AS? I am a straight shooter and would have no problem telling her "Try not eating me out of house and home, I have kids to feed."
Seriously, I am VERY open with my family and siblings.
EG: My brother brings his dog over one holiday. I am NOT a pet lover by any means. I gave him the side eye and made it clear that his dog better not shit or pee in my house.
What does the dog do? Take a shit on my white sheepskin rug in my bedroom.
Me: Go clean the dog shit off my rug and then roll it up and take it to the dry cleaners.
Brother: (laughing hysterically) He must have sensed that you don't like him and he did it to spite you.
Me: Bring that fucking dog again and you are BOTH staying outside.
Brother: Damn sis, that's harsh.
Me: I fucking mean it. I don't have pets for a reason.
My house, my rules. Don;t like it? don't come back.
She's 16. Mental age is
She's 16. Mental age is probably like 11 or 12???
We didnt grow up as siblings. I was a senior in HS when she was born.
Normally I am very outspoken.
But I feel like when I say something to my parents about it, its me calling them out on their shitty parenting. Like I am better then them. I feel more comfortable addressing the issue with my dad then my SM. (Ya know how the step dynamics work, even though we have a great relationship)
The main reason I dont want
The main reason I dont want them to stay in a hotel is because I want to spend more time with my parents. I also dont want to spend my time with them, stuck in a hotel while they chain smoke. For my sister, it was more of a timing thing. The further she has to go to see them, the less time she will have with them.
We werent raised as siblings, so I dont really consider her a sister. I was already a senior in HS when she was born. My SM and Dad have always lived hours away from me. So she's more like a distant cousin. I am always kind to her and never mistreat her.
There is a lot that I didnt put in the post as far as her behavior. Its more then just helping herself to whats in the fridge.
And no when you abuse the "open fridge policy" then it gets taken away. I'm talking about BINGE eating. It's not healthy and has resulted in some terrible consquences for her health wise.
I want to also add on to
I want to also add on to about the fridge. It is the binge eating. But also her using the bathroom and not washing her hands and then touching food. Its gross. Sanity issues.