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Karma bus may be coming for OSD--- beep beep

zerostepdrama's picture

Came across some information that OSD's 2 SDs (maybe ages 7 and 9?) will be coming to stay with them for all/part of the summer.

When OSD got pregnant with bio kid#1, her and her now DH moved out of state (7 hours away) so they could make a better life for the new baby, leaving behind the SDs with their BM.

OSD and her DH were maybe together for 6 months at this time. Maybe a little longer.

This was probably 3 years ago. In those 3 years time, OSD and her DH have come back to the skids state 2xs a year (Christmas and summer time) for a week-2 weeks time.

Prior to that I dont think OSD had much contact with her skids as in a true EOW visitation because OSD and her DH were living at BM's house (along with about 5 other people).

OSD is stepmother of the year on FB. She goes on and on about how she may not have given birth to her SDs but loves them like her own, blah blah blah.

Um yeah OSD, you have hardly had to deal with them. I liked you and your siblings until I actually got to know you and had to really deal with you guys.

So I am hoping that the karma bus hits OSD this summer. I hope that she gets a taste of what I have had to deal with.

She will have to share resources (which are already limited, as they are on state assistance and she works at a fast food resturaunt). OSD and DH have 2 babies now (almost back to back). Her and her kids will have to share all resources and her DH with the skids.

Plus they are girls. We all know how girl skids are.

I think there will be a huge shift in how OSD feels about her SDs.


zerostepdrama's picture

I know, damn it! Their ages is the only way this will not work out as I would like in my evil mind. If only they could be like 12 and 14. Ugh!!!!!!!!! Smile

zerostepdrama's picture

When OSD and I were on okay terms, she had posted on her FB that she deleted BM from DH's FB. And OSD had posted one of those pics/memes about BMs keeping their kids from their dad. So there are some issues there. Just not sure how bad.

zerostepdrama's picture

No. BM has never kept the kids from DH. They have 4 (OSD 22, SS21, MSD 19,. YSD16). Keeping the skids from DH would make DH's life easier and probably happier and that of anyone he was dating. LOL. So she would do the opposite. Make sure those kids are there, so they can cause chaos and havoc and report back to her.

zerostepdrama's picture

Ya I think she is a smart BM. Send those rotten ass kids to their dad's to scare the women off! LOL!

YSD was 12 when DH and I first got together. I dont think I could have survived if I had come along a few years prior.