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young13's Blog

Disengaging - Day 1

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After researching about disengaging I decided to give it a try. I'm always the one doing everything from discipline, to making the kids brush their teeth, making sure homework's done, plus all the reg house hold duties (cooking, cleaning, laundry, well y'all know). I'll give credit where it's due, SO does do the morning routine with the skids 5y/o and 7y/o. I do the morning routine with our 22mo old.

"Not Caring" -> Resentment?

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Today I posted my first blog entry and got a lot of feedback, all of which is very much appreciated! I love getting non-biased, diverse and honest opinions from women who have a lot more experience at this step mom thing.

I heard from a lot of the feedback that, as a step mom, I shouldn't be concerned about the way that my SO and his BM handle important matters concerning the kids. (My last entry was about how BM lies about the kids being sick, doesn't take them to school, etc.)

SO Won't Stand Up to BM

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I've been living with my SO for going on 3 yrs (we might as well be married). He's a great dad and he has 50/50 custody of his 2 kids (K and 1st grade) and we have a 22mo old together. He's so submissive to his Ex-Wife/BM. The kids miss at least one day of school every week they're with BM. She doesn't take them to their extra curricular activities EVER. BM lies about them being sick so that she can keep them out of school (I've got med records to prove it, swear I'm not crazy). Most recent example: she took the youngest to the Dr., said the Dr.