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young step mom's Blog

Advice please? :( Not sure how to feel

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Ok, I'm a stepmom to two wonderful children born from my now-Husband and his ex-wife, she is now lesbian and has a current life partner. I have no problem with her orientation, the problem is me feeling as if there is too many women that I am competing against. All the things the gf gets to teach her and such. Maybe I'm jealous that I'm not the only other woman (bonus mom) in their lives.

Dreaded Mothers Day...

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Now I can see this coming from a mile away.

This holdiay I know that I dread myself being as I have no bio kids, just step kids.

They were with us this weekend and were jibbering about all the nice things they were going to do for their mom for mothers day i.e homemade cards, drawings, crafts etc.

I was slightly saddened. I know I will not receive anything and it hurts me inside.

Can I buy myself my own damn mothers day gift?

Are you a statistic?

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I read an article the other day about how blended families are more susceptible to divorce than those of already highly occurring bio-children marriages. The numbers were in the range of 75% divorce rate. wow! :jawdrop:

Whats your opinion?