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xomaxoai's Blog

I moved out

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Am I wrong for wanting less communication between my husband and his ex? To me a fifteen minute phone call a few texts one day and a three minute phone call another day is way to much communication for one week. I left after the fifteen minute one almost two weeks ago now, packed all my stuff and put it in storage. I hate it I miss him our son misses him and even though I want nothing more than to go back I don't want to go back to a man that thinks I don't trust him and should be okay with their relationship. To me they divorced he needs to decide what he wants his ex wife or his family.

so very hurt

xomaxoai's picture

Looks like counseling is going to be a total fail!!!!! Went twice dh was told to tell madam x only one call a week. he agreed at the session then backed out saying the councilor put words in his mouth. Very long story of fighting later he did tell her no more it lasted for three weeks she is however back to calling often. The second session when he reported that he did tell her and that he thinks I need to be okay with it the councilor looks at him and says last time I checked paligamy is against the law and one of the three of you is contesting it.