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Worstcasescenerio's Blog

My parenting style was finally proven right last night during counseling!

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So SS13 has been meeting with a counselor bi-weekly since I found his violent poem he wrote about wanting to murder someone (I still believe it was about me.)

Anyway, after speaking one on one with the counselor for 45 minutes, DH and I are called in for the re-cap, and SS tells us that he "needs more structure in his life", that when he messes up we need to "put our foot down, and not let up right away".

Advice needed: tell DH that he needs to send SS13 to go live with his mom and risk divorce

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Or let SS13 stay here and see what stunt he pulls next?

He has shown no sign of remorse or attempt to straighten out his life in the last 4 weeks. But in 10 more weeks my DH is going to move them back in.

Should I just try to enjoy the next 10 drama-less weeks or tell DH that I won't feel safe around SS unless I can see for myself that he really wants to change and is trying?

When we won custody I thought that SS would really be better off with us

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But now I wonder if we have saved him from anything. He's a train wreck who is ruining his own life and simply does not care while ruining everyone else's life too. He is about to destroy my marriage. I wish we had lost custody 4 years ago...

DH claims that SS13 misses me and he's really trying to do better and wants to come home

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Kid never calls me. Hardly says two words when he sees me. Never texts me unless I text him first. Got a 3-day out of school suspension after serving an in school suspension the week prior. And is failing 3 of his 6 classes.
But DH thinks he misses me and wants me to be "more of a mother figure in his life".
They're both just tired of living in an apartment since I told DH that SS had to go.

Caught possible drug deal before it was supposed to go down--or am I just being overly suspicious?

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So I read my SS's text messages because I monitor my bio son's (BS14)as well, and sometimes it's not easy to tell them apart based on their friends' phone numbers as all text messages to/from both boys show up on my husband's and my iPad.