HAHAHAHA!!!! thats what you get for being DUMB!
so BM wanted to show her butt and think she was going to walk all over me (in front of the SS and BS)and get away with it! HAHAHAHA
boy did she get a smack in the face when she was YELLING at me and I interrupted and said "You know, when you decide to grow up and talk to me like and adult and stop acting like your a 5 year old that thinks they get whatever they want when they want it THEN and ONLY THEN can you talk to me. Until then you need to one leave my house and two dont come back UNLESS INVITED." She then yelled at me again as I was shutting the door in her face "I am not leaving til I talk to the so called father of my son." so I said "we will see"...not 10 minutes later she was FORCED to LEAVE by the sheriff dept. got to love how I can say "I am 9 months pregnant and she was yelling at me in front of kids and I shut the door after telling her to leave because I felt threatened with as angry as she was getting toward me. I felt like she might try to harm me or my child so I called you to remove her from my property." KARMA STRIKES AGAIN! Maybe next time she will have some manners and call folks before she tries to come over starting arguments for no reason other than she has to hang out with her kid and none of her drinking buddies what the kid around. I could get used to this and calling the cops every time she comes around since she yells in front of the SS at DH causing stress and resentment in the poor kid toward his father and myself and his little brother. I guess the more I have to call the more reports I get the better chances we will have of taking him from her if she keeps it up. }:)
- worried_stepmother's blog
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HA! Good for you! Get her!
HA! Good for you! Get her!
I was quite proud of
I was quite proud of myself....and DH actually LAUGHED about it. He had told me before that if she showed up again unannounced (which she did twice this week) to "lock the door and call the police" so that is what i am doing. He was here this time sleeping...he works third shift and had just got home around 5pm from work since they had to work a double and he had to go in early tonight so I was asked NOT to wake him up at all for any reason other than if I go into labor or if it is time for him to get up and he doesnt hear his alarm. I specifically asked "what if Spawn comes to the house do you want me to wake you?" he responded "no, she can wait til tomorrow to talk to me and if she cant then oh well."
your welcome. it made mine
your welcome. it made mine too. lol
that is awesome!!!!!!!!!! I
that is awesome!!!!!!!!!! I bet a lot of us on here wish we had done the same thing!
good for you!