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Good feeling gone...

winnie's picture

I was just going through some of the photos and documents that my husband brought back yesterday. Some of the photos have my husband's face scratched out. And some of them have SS's face coloured out with black a marker. These are pictures of when SS was as young as 8. And the markings look recent :(. Lucky there around 30 pictures that are ok. And I looked at SS's birth certificate, my husband's name was scratched out. I am so glad I saw this before SS did. And lucky we did not tell SS we got the documents yet. We were going to tell him tonight. I am going to hide the ruined documents and photos. SS does not need a reason to get upest now. That woman is a piece of work. My husband is going to be PISSED.


cc01's picture

I had a feeling that was not gonna go well.
So she knew about him going to get his things beforehand, and retaliated.
What a witch.

oneoffour's picture

Tell your ss the birth cert was damaged and you will pay for a new full birth cert. for him. This will help him deal with the other photos.

Maybe take them to a restorer and see if the markings can be removed or touched up? Amazing things can be done nowadays.
And then have your husband give them to his son and tell him they were badly defaced and he got them repaired for him.

There is a special place for women like her after they draw their last breath.

winnie's picture

I hate her too. The photos cannot even be fixed. The marker ink was so written so hard that there are holes at the back of the photos now. I am going to throw those away and just give SS the nice ones. And I am going to make my husbamd get a new birth certificate like oneoffour suggested. I might add a few pictures from our collection so the pile of photos do not look so pitiful. 18 years and only 50+ photographs to show for it. I feel bad for SS. I know for sure the bitch is going to hell.