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Why does this anger me so?

Willow2010's picture

I don’t know what is wrong with me!! GRRR. Why does this bother me?

SS took some girls virginity in my house and then dumped her the next day. (BIG NO NO!) One of the biggest rules we have is NO GIRLS IN THE HOUSE!! Anyway…this all blows up on FB. I told DH about what was posted on FB and DH went off on SS. That was all well and good. It actually took DH two whole days to start kissing his SS’s ass.

SS de-friend both DH and I. He did not tell us and when DH asked him about it, he said that it was because he did not want us to know his business. He said that he de friended BM also but that was a lie. He did it just because DH jumped him and I was the one that told DH about the mess on SS’s FB. IT JUST PISSES ME OFF!!

I know it should not, but it does. I should be glad that I don’t get to look at the drama that is SS. But it still feels like a giant slap in the face. He dropped us, but not BM. WOW!


knucklehead's picture

Did he block you or just de-friend you?

He's an adult, right? Back from deployment? Is he going to live on his own soon? (ohpleaseohplease!)

SisterNeko's picture

if he doesn't want people to know his business then he shouldn't post it on the internet. Blocked or not whatever he says can get back around to you. BM and I aren't 'friends' on facebook - she blocked me. But other people tell me all the time what she says not that I care.

Willow2010's picture

SS does not live at home any longer. THANK GOD!! This happened over the Christmas break. I want to not be pissed about him un friending me. Why should I care that the little creep un friended me and not BM?!!

Why do I ever care?!! I am getting pissed at myself for being so mad about this. I don’t really even like the kid. I don’t like FB so why is this making me want to slap someone? UGH!

StarStuff's picture

Your SS is a tool! I hate guys (was gonna use the word "men", but SS doesn't deserve it) that do things like this to girls. I have always told myself that if I ever have any sons then I will teach them to treat women with the utmost respect. If you wouldn't want your sister/mom treated that way, then don't treat another girl/woman that way. Of course, I know that they don't always listen to what we teach, but here's to hoping!