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Shrink Question

Willow2010's picture

So, my DH thinks we need counseling. Now this is due to my irrational request that he not spend weekends or more with his ex. DH wants him, SS and BM to all be able to go site seeing together and to beaches and whatever else SS wants them to do when they all together. YUK!

So my question is this. Would there be a chance in hell that a counselor would actually tell me that I am wrong and that DH should be able to go see his adult son and hang out with him and BM for days? I have no problem with DH going to see SS, just not to act like a family when BM is there.


purpledaisies's picture

I wouldn't think so but you never know now a days. Real sad.

No way in HELL would that ever fly in my house. If that is what he wants to do then he needs to go back to her!

dragonfly5's picture

My counselor would have a field day with that scenario. No way they would say that would be ok.

I wouldn't be with my fdh if he saw "crazo" for any reason.
I wouldn't see my ex either. There is a reason we are divorced.

Your DH better hang on because he is about to go for a ride!

newmom01's picture

Yep thats wierd! The only reason I would say that even kinda makes since is that son is visiting and have to go back out of town or something. So the DH and BM are seeing him together before he leaves because ss does not have enough time to see them seperately.

The other reason would be something big like a graduation or wedding because they ARE THE REAL PARENTS.... (not to exclude you though) but I think it only natural for the parents to be around thier son during those times

but vacation together when his behind stays in the same state/city/town....oh heck no! My question for DH would be when WE leavin and where are we going Dirol

When you say adult, how old is he?

Willow2010's picture

Oh Purple...its not about her don't cha know?! It is only about the CHILD. The 18 year old child! Yes, that is sarcasm.

Willow2010's picture

The other reason would be something big like a graduation or wedding because they ARE THE REAL PARENTS.... (not to exclude you though) but I think it only natural for the parents to be around thier son during those times

See…this is DH’s argument. And I agree that they should all go for the big moments in SS’s life, BUT still celebrate separately for the next few days. Not together. It makes me want to puke thinking of BM, DH and SS going to the beach to hang out or other such crap.

stormabruin's picture

"It makes me want to puke thinking of BM, DH and SS going to the beach to hang out or other such crap."
This put a picture in my head of them all holding hands & skipping in the sand along the shoreline with cheesy grins on each one & "So Happy Together" playing softly in the background...muffled by their gidy joyous laughter.'s enough to make one want to puke. :sick:

To have all attend a big event is one thing (though I don't feel it needs to be attended "together"). To carry the union beyond the day or beyond the event is completely stupid & overkill.

DaizyDuke's picture

the better question is will it matter? Even if a therapist tells him that he is wrong and that this would be detrimental to his marraige, would he do it anyway?

My DH is the type that if he is hell bent on something, 97% of the time it doesn't matter who tells him not to do it, he's going to do it anyway... and then admit later that he made a poor choice and suffer the consequences.

Small example: this weekend he was going to drive about 6 hours to purchase a car that he bought on E-bay. I tried to tell him that there was alot of flood damage in the direction that he was heading and that he should wait a couple of days before making the trip. He wouldn't listen to me, the 6 hour trip turned into a 12 hour trip and he didn't even get the car as it was grossly misrepresented (which I tried to warn him about too, since the seller had not ever sold a vehicle before on Ebay and there was no feedback) but DH was hell-bent so he learned the hard way. The FIRST thing he said when he called me on his way home, was "I should have listened to you"... Gee ya think???

purpledaisies's picture

willow you need to put your foot down and if he can't get it may be he will get you moving out!

newmom01's picture

BM Pulled that crap with school stuff and baseball games.....when I showed up she asked DH why I came? If I cant come DH dont go !

I guess I leave a lot out of my stories sometimes....thats why people give me crap on here..its a lot I leave out, not on purpose, but because Im so mad or angry I dont type everything that I feel ..(I type fast)

NancyL's picture

Ask the shrink if their spouse would put up with that BS if they tell you its okay.

DoingItAgain's picture

I don't know what a counselor would say (although they should say this is CRAZY!), but I'd say hell no and kick is ass to the curb!

Newstep's picture

Wow just wow I can't believe that!! I would never accept that in my relationship. I feel for you. But I agree with Daizy if he is hell bent on doing it nothing anyone says not even the shrink will sway him. I see no reason for them to all hang out together at all. Just sets some wierd boundaries.

Willow2010's picture

This put a picture in my head of them all holding hands & skipping in the sand along the shoreline with cheesy grins on each one & "So Happy Together" playing softly in the background...muffled by their gidy joyous laughter.
Well that was not the picture I had about it until you posted this. Thanks Storm! LOL.. jk

stormabruin's picture

My bad. If it helps to know, I'm certain the song will repeat...& repeat...& repeat in my head for the rest of the day. I can't stop it! Smile

Willow2010's picture

Probably won’t kick him to the curb over this. Hopefully, he/we will only have to see her a hand full of times for the rest of our lives. Weddings, births, ect.
I have no clue what the hell is wrong with DH. This used to NEVER be an issue. But SS told him how disappointed he was that he did not stay the whole weekend with him and BM. So now DH has a bug up his butt about it. Normally DH is a very considerate, sweet man who puts me first in most things, but this has really screwed his mind up a bit.

I almost think it is because he feels a lot of guilt due to not really spending any time with SS when he lived here so now he MUST make it up. GAAHHH. How can screw them up so bad?

WeddedBliss.sofar's picture

I think she said she didn't want to fly, and if they drive, she would have to take too many days off work. So, she can't go.

WeddedBliss.sofar's picture

OH!! And also, I just remembered, the event already happened. I think? Her husband is just now upset for making the decision to make his wife happy, instead of the 18 y/o son, who had a sad face on.....AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Sad

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Why in the world does your husband find it necessary much less appropriate for him to spend time with BM?? I can MAYBE understand co-parenting when new spouses are not involved..MAYBE. But once re-married? Uh NO!!!! Especially since your SS is an adult there should be absolutely no instance that your husband should be in the same room as BM. Unless it is a hospital room or wedding in a church. Seriously. I am willing to bet the therapist agrees with YOU.

JRTerrierMom's picture

Willow -

I can't speak to why your DH thinks it's ok to hang out with his ex. But if he thinks you need counseling - then you should go. I've said before - if spouse A has a problem in a relationship with spouse B, then spouse B also has a problem.

I don't know that any therapist/counselor worth a grain of salt would tell you your feelings are wrong. They might direct you to a better way to communicate that, or direct your DH in a better way to respect your wishes, or provide a working middle ground.

I get why you are upset with the visits, I would be too - and I'm a fairly non-jealous type. I was very good friends with my xturd's xwife. I watched her kids while she and her husband had a night out and vice-versa. Our kids grew up thinking they were "step bro's & Sis's". They still keep in contact on FB.

His "long" visits with the ex and the kid are disrespectful - you are part of that family and should be included. If it's uncomfortable - he shouldn't go. Long visits are for a stern talking to, issues, problems, big events, etc., not "hanging out". That is YOUR man, and you should be by his side.

This is just my opinion anyway.


WeddedBliss.sofar's picture

If my husband did this to me. Not only would I pack his bags while he was gone, but I would dump them on BM's front porch with a letter: It's a BOY!!

stepsonhatesme's picture

Seriously I cant seem to understand why the "adult" child wants BM and your Dh to be together with him and act like "one big happy family". My SS also 18 just tried playing that card. Grrrr...
But...your DH is completely wrong.

stepfamilyfriend's picture

Willow, I also think you need to put your foot down on this one. This is the danger that people (like me) get into, when they are understanding and always try and see the other side of the issue. Sometimes people will take advantage and sometimes we actually lose track of what is just being understanding and what is just over the top. This seems over the top. The "kid" is 18! If it's supposed to be a "let's all be grown up about this" kind of thing, then you should be invited too- not that you would want to go, but if everybody is going to be " adults and reasonable" that they would have to be it too, and include you in the family outing.

Kes's picture

I was a relationship counsellor for 7/8 years, and there is no way in this world that a counsellor would say "what's the problem" with this scenario. He/she would be much more likely to want to explore WHY the DH wants to do this and what is going on here.