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Willow2010's picture

My kids will come to me after SS has done something else that is stupid, and can’t believe that nothing happens to him. (Discipline) They always joke that SS would not have made it to 17 if he would have been my kid. Lol.

Brings me to this morning. My son is at school and I run by house at 10:00AM. SS is still there. Following conversation takes place….

ME….What are you doing home?
SS…. I don’t have to be to school until 12:00 (very surprised to see me!)
ME …. Why?
SS….I don’t know.
ME…. HUH? (frustrated)
SS…. I kid at school told me that SR.s don’t have to be at school til 1:00.
ME…No, you should have been at school at regular time. My son is at school right now. (Same grade same school)
SS…. Oh, I guess I better go then huh?

Brings me to conversation with DH about this. I told him the above convo first.

Me…are you going to discipline him for this?
DH…why? It’s not his fault. It is that other stupid kids fault that told him school started late.

I was in between wanting to laugh or reaching through the phone and squeezing my DH’s neck until his eyes bugged out of his face. I did manage to laugh and I think it may have ticked off DH a bit. I really try to stay out of it, but good grief. Make your kid accountable for SOMETHING!!!


purpledaisies's picture

UM NO it is HIS fault for not asking a teacher or something. Please he is a senior and it is HIS responsibility to make for darn sure what time he is to be at school and to find out if he is to be late why. I would not have bought that at all! Geez has he forgotten what he did when he was that age??? I know the crap I tried to get away with }:)

ddakan's picture

I'm surprised he didn't blame the REAL culprit in this situation and blame the STEPMOM! LOL. After all, aren't we the reason for all of life's problems?

Willow2010's picture

Oh silly purpledaisies....NOTHING is ever poor little SS's fault. NEVER, it is always someone else that made him do it. yuk!!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

My BS13 told me he had a 2 hour delay today. I said where'd you hear that? He said the kids put it on FB. I said well the school hasn't called so that info is FALSE. Problem solved. Kids are always trying to get over.

Nette5's picture

We had a 2 hour delay start to school this morning. I got:
1) phone call from my mom @ 6:30am when she heard it on the news
2) 3 e-mails to the online portal through the school
3) automated voice recorded phone call @ 7:15am
4) it was on the morning news
5) an e-mail was sent to my regular mail from the news
& 6) a couple people posted it on Facebook this morning, including me.

No hiding from the information today. I did let the boys sleep and got to laugh when SS15 woke up and freaked out because he thought he was late. Then he bounces around in my room this morning wishing and wanting to be at school already when he still had about an hour to wait. Silly boy!!