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OT----Deflate gate.

Willow2010's picture

So...anyone have any opinions on if the Patriots cheated during the play off game? I think it is funny. I wonder if Tom Brady had anything to do with it.


justanothergurlNJ's picture

I am a DIE HARD JETS fan, so we have been the victim of their cheating ways. Now do I think this deflate situation helped them win? NO they were the better team one way or the other.

Yes I think Tom Brady knew, I heard him on the news this morning saying he didn't notice the balls were deflated. PLEASE you've been a NFL QB for 15 years. Yea I think he had something to do with it, why?. I'm not sure they would have beaten the Colts either way.

It's the principal of being honest, having sportsman ship and being a role model to kids.

mommy0104's picture

I am a Colts fan and there's a few things about this that bother me. For one, I'm tired of being told Colts fans are sore losers. The Patriots just outplayed the Colts..would have probably won even without the deflated footballs. But that being said, cheating is cheating period!! I don't know who was behind it though. Tom Brady says he has no knowledge of who did it. But, even if he's telling the truth, he's still in the's why. Brady is a "professional" who has been in the league long enough to know the rules. He handles the ball very frequently, therefore he should have known the ball felt "underweight". And if the players don't know what the exact weight of the ball is, they should have to go back to training and re-learn every single last rule that the NFL has in place. All of the patriots players who held the balls should have realized something was wrong. I've never been a fan of the pats, as they always seem to "skirt around the rules" but they've always been labeled a good can you be "so good" and the "best in the league" if someone within your organization always has to cheat? It's almost as though they don't have enough confidence in their team and I think they all need replaced with people who know the rules and will play fairly. And that goes for all teams in the NFL..but right now that mainly applies to the Pats..but that's all my opinion. And the NFL not giving out very stiff punishment is unacceptable. They're teaching today's youth that it's ok to cheat and "bend the rules" if your rich or powerful.

Willow2010's picture

Yes...he is a douche canoe. I don't think it really had any impact either. I do however think they are serious idiots for trying to cheat in any way shape or form.

Sports Fan's picture

Bears Fan. Tom Brady definitely knew and Belichek probably knew too. They definitely cheated. However, I think they would of beat the Colts if they hadn't did it.

I am a big football fan and the whole thing makes me sad. They don't need to cheat to win, why do it?

Unfreakingreal's picture

Absolutely Brady and Belichek BOTH knew. It was stupid, they would have won anyway. The questions is, now what?

AllySkoo's picture

I think the press conference where Brady managed to say "my balls" eighty gazillion times was freaking hysterical. I hope they do an SNL skit. "I like my balls to have a certain degree of firmness. That firmness is important when handling my balls. I don't like my balls to be too hard, and I don't like my balls to be too soft either. I'm also particular about who is allowed to touch my balls. I don't want just anyone touching my balls you know!"

I. Die. }:)

Tuff Noogies's picture

LMFAO!!!!^^ Giants fan here. Brady knew. Bellichek knew. most everyone on offense knew. they are cheating pussies.

18-1 BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfreakingreal's picture

They played such a skit on Z100 this morning. It was actually freaking hilarious. "I touch them, I don't let anyone touch my balls, I lock them up. Some people like tacky balls, soft balls, new balls, old balls. I like my balls." LOLOLOLOL! It was SO FUNNY!

AllySkoo's picture

There's a bunch of reasons that all sort of go together. I haven't seen any official release from the NFL about their investigation, but here's what I've got from listening to the talk shows. One, it didn't affect the outcome of the game. Two, it seems like the officials screwed up (just plain didn't do their job) because they actually said those balls were fine at the start of the game. (The reason that's important is because it's almost impossible for anyone to tamper with the balls after the officials inspect them. So that means the officials didn't actually do what they were supposed to do - and once the officials said "yeah, these are fine to play with" that takes makes it their responsibility.) Three, the "rule book" penalty for the violation is a 25K fine (per ball). Going further than that would be a bit arbitrary and likely have more to do with emotion than facts.

*shrug* I'm not really a football fan in general, but I can't see why this is SUCH a big deal, you know? I heard Bellicheck compared to Whitey Bulger for god's sake (some ESPN guy). Really? Comparing him to a mass murderer?? That's just taking this a leeeeeeeeeettle too seriously, I think. Wink

justanothergurlNJ's picture

The balls are inspected about 2 hours before game time so anyone who had access to the balls after they were inspected could have done it. The refs screwed up because they also handle the ball and should have said something.

Tuff Noogies's picture

*fingers crossed*

not that i'm a seahawks fan, i'm just highly anti-new england.....

AllySkoo's picture

Aw, baby, don't be like that! C'mon, we got clam chowder and the Revolution, lobster and pretty leaves... Don't be hating on all of New England!


Tuff Noogies's picture

not all new england! just the effing team!!!

sorry, born and bred giants fan. cant' help it.
new england itself is awesome. and UFR, i remember z100!!!! *wistful gaze*