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Just an annoying vent!

Willow2010's picture

Ever since I have known SS... he has always been manipulative. One thing he does A LOT, is to tell DH that he is going to buy DH something outrageous. EVERYTIME this happens, DH tells SS how great he is but to NOT buy it. Of course SS has no intention of buying DH something expensive, and SS usually had no money, but it makes him look good. I always throw up a little when I hear these conversations. (happens at least 3-4 times a year since I have known DH) Here was SS latest.

Last nights convo with DH....

DH: Son called today. Guess what he wants to do?! He wants to send us money every month! I of course told him no that we don't need or want his money...but can you believe how big hearted this boy is?!
ME: :? . Does he just want us to save it for him or what? Surely he does not want to send money because he thinks we are poor?!
DH: He just wants to be a good person!
ME: OK..but we don't need money. Why would he want to just give us money?
DH: I don't know...SS just is trying to be nice. I told him absolutely not....we don't need his money. But can you believe how great it is that he offered? He even told BM he was going to send her money too and she refused also. What a big hearted kid!!
ME: Umm...ok. I though SS was always broke but now he wants to send us money....?

Let me clarify a few things...this kind of conversation happens every few months. The last one, a few months ago, was about a $400.00 shirt that he wanted to buy for DH but DH told him no. (He always tell DH first so DH can tell him no) He has NEVER actually gone and bought one of these big ticket items. He always has to tell DH about it first.

Another thing that makes this one so WEIRD is that DH and I are not poor or even close. We do not live paycheck to paycheck. We make very good money and SS knows this.

Sorry...just venting because now DH will be bragging to everyone about this for the next week or two. GAG!


princessmofo's picture

:sick: Your dh and mine seem to have the whole "rose colored glasses" thing down. I seriously want to hit them in the face with a brick right now...

Willow2010's picture

Yup! I am going to call his bluff next time he is with us and he starts that crap.

SS is always broke. Every time SS is down for a visit he will offer to take us all out to dinner but DH will slobber all over him and tell him how generous he is but tell him no he can not buy us dinner and DH will take us all out.

Next time he does that in front of me, I am going to say..."That is so nice SS...where do you want to take us" And when DH tries to talk him out of it I am going to say..."Oh let him do this...he has wanted to take us out for so long it is time we let him"

SS is going to crap. lol

DaizyDuke's picture

(He always tell DH first so DH can tell him no)

Master Manipulator! SD15 does this crap too.

She's also the queen of this manipulation tactic.

SD15: dad can I have $100.00 I want to get my hair done.
DH: your money is gone this month already?? I don't know let me talk to Daizy
Daizy says hell no that's just ridiculous, she should have thought about that before she blew through 200 bucks in 2 weeks.
DH: Tells SD15 no
SD15: Oh that's Ok dad, don't worry about it, it's no big deal
(meanwhile posting on twitter and FB what a bitch Daizy is, how she is pissed, annoyed etc)

Then DH changes his mind and overrules me because SD is such a "nice" girl that she wasn't even upset about me telling her no, what's the harm in "loaning" her the money. blah blah blah... SD gets her own way. Works every time like a freaking charm for her.

I just don't see how my DH is so dumb to not see this crap????

Willow2010's picture

SD15: dad can I have $100.00 I want to get my hair done
I think I have you beat on the manipulation part. (do I get a prize?)

SS would never out and out ask for that. He would say something like ..."Dad...I was going to get my hair cut but I ran out of money because I helped a friend out with food and now I am going to just have to look scruffy. But I don't mind since I helped someone"

Then DH would tell him how wonderful he is and would pay for the hair cut.


DaizyDuke's picture

GAG! Oh, you know what??? SD DID try something like that with the hair! and I totally forgot! When DH got after her for blowing through 200 bucks in two weeks, and asked her what the hell she blew it on, she told DH that she had "loaned" her BM $80.00 to get gas or some such nonsense. So of course DH thought she was Mother Theresa for being so kind and that BM was a loser for taking money from her kid... so that just added to his SD is so wonderful and perfect and deserving of whatever she wants band wagon... again GAG