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How do you ignore?

Willow2010's picture

Pardon me if I sound like a whiny baby, but I am working off very little sleep and too much booze from the weekend. And no, that is not a normal thing for me. We had out of town guest and it was a great fun weekend, but I am not used to doing that at all. Feel like I could sleep standing up right now and may never want to see beer again.

Anyway. I need to find a way to not let this kid get under my skin so bad! How? How? How?

I disengaged, so I don’t care if he fails, breaks curfew, sleeps around and all that kind of stuff. NMKNMP.

BUT, I am so sick of seeing him get away with so much and just acting like a little spoilt shit in general. We went camping with our OOT guest and got back last night. I walked in and he is standing at the fridge and complaining to BM about how we have NOOOO food. I hate that crap. I know he talks to BM about us all the time and that annoys the crap out of me too. It annoys the crap out of me to hear him lie all the time and manipulate DH.

He had BM text DH this weekend to tell him that he needs to pay for more gas for their little precious. Arggg! I am so tired of that hag breaking into my life all the time. I am tired of watching DH spoil and excuse SS weird and bad behavior. I am tired of having this kid live in my house and knowing that he thinks I am shit and his dad is even bigger shit. How do you not let that bother you? How do you ignore all of that kind of stuff?


halfstepmom2skids's picture

I cant freaking wait until sd's true colors start shinning through, especially in front of me.

dakotamom's picture

the gas thing annoys the hell out of me!!! ss17 has a part time job but is always askign DH for gas money because he drove down to see us. bullshit child, you drove down here but it wasn't to see us because you never leave your computer!!! DH will always fill up the tank. I have told DH that it was cheaper for us when we went to pick the little shitheads up and deliver them back to their BM.
I am sick of ss15's disgusting lack of personal hygene!!! the child never showers or brushes his teeth when he's with us!!!! i have tried to tell DH more times than i can count that it's gross and disgusting - the answer....HE'S A BOY!!!! No, No, No, not all boys are gross disgusting little creatures like that one!!! His 17 year old brother has figured out that showering isn't a bad thing - what the hell...why cant' ss15 figure it out?!?! i've been around 3 years now adn it's always been like this but now he's starting to be a stinky teenage boy but still WON'T SHOWER!!!

halfstepmom2skids's picture

sorry, but that was a good one, "Rent free in your head if you care what she thinks of you"...bahahahaha...Can't wait to use it.

lisa510's picture

I've tried to disengage too, but I haven't really gotten there. I don't know how you really don't let it bother you. the skids' crap bothers the hell out of me. Their mere presence puts me in a bad mood! They've been raised with the "the whole world owes me something" attitude. Self-righteous and selfish. Dad and mom were made to take shit from me. The world revolves around me, not them....blah, blah, blahhh

Disengagement = divorce??? IDK

clairedelune's picture

Disengagement = divorce??? IDK
I was wondering the exact same thing just ealier today!

Their mere presence puts me in a bad mood!
It's the same way for me! Just SD13 though but still. I try not to get bothered cause I know that's what she wants but it's stronger then me!

wriggsy's picture

First....let me "Bravo" you...sounds like you had a GREAT weekend...and I think we are all a little jealous! (tee hee).

Second, I have to agree with vickmeister..if it still bothers haven't reached full disengagement. I know I will never get there because I can't stand the way skids treat DH and if he won't stand up for himself...I'll do it for him. He's too great of a guy to be handed this crap, so I'll "man up" for him! Slight disengagement any other time....

Willow2010's picture

Thanks all!! I know I am not fully disengaged, this is what I need help with. How do I let this last little bit not get on my last f ing nerve!!!

I really don’t feel like I care what BM thinks. She is normally a non issue, until she screws with SS’s mind. I would be upset if he was wining about things at our house if it were anyone. It is probably a bit worse since it is BM, but, I really don’t think that she takes space in my head. Well, maybe a little, but not much at all. I know I am making no sense right now.

Most Evil's picture

Well if you say too much to DH, it could backfire on you. If you can possibly not say anything, and let DH be forced to REALLY FACE the issues without having you to blame, maybe some good can come of this whole pile, ya know?!!

So you are not ignoring - you are INVESTING in making DH, take care of his own?!!!! if that makes it any easier LOL