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THE Wifey's Blog

Maybe the only reason I haven't left is....

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Maybe the only reason I haven't left is that I am not a quitter and I am very competitive and I don't want the enemy to "win". If I give in to this abuse, then I am letting the FSS who called me a witch and told me to eff off and called me a slut (?) win. I am letting the BM who hates me win. I am letting her mother who said a bunch of horrible things about me in a letter to me win. FDH told me tonight that he still loves and cares about BM's mom who said those things to me. FDH never has anything good to say about me and is constantly critical because I am so angry.

Skeletor the Useless strikes again...

THE Wifey's picture

So during the Skype convo last night she said "and you can tell THE Wifey, since I know she is listening, that she should have held her tongue and not sent that e-mail and maybe none of this would be happening" And I said and you can tell Skeletor that... And she cut me off. "THE Wifey, this is between me and FDH, not you". And I said, no, this decision is between he and I and doesn't involve you at all". Then later she said "THE Wifey, SHUT UP" when I was talking to him in the background. He said "That is unnecessary, do not talk to her like that".

FDH to Skype with the useless BM...

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So, FDH has scheduled Skype with Skeletor for tomorrow morning to tell her the "conditions" to him signing her second mortgage mod. They are things that she will never agree to as she thinks that she can have her cake and eat it too. The conditions are:

1. She will stop threatening to get a restraining order on me for using a few curse words. Realize that I am younger than she is and different things are acceptable in different generations (although I will never make that mistake again and will NEVER even utter another word to her).

Has anyone ever told off the BM?

THE Wifey's picture

I am so tired of this woman trying to screw over my fiance and using the children (FSS18, FSD16, FSD15, FSS13) to manipulate him because "you're leaving mom out in the cold". He paid her $4200 a month for the first 2 years and now pays $2450 a month (it has almost been 4 years). $650 of that is alimony, which is laughable because SHE kissed another man when they were married and was dating her current on/off affair partner a week after my Fiance moved out before any legal papers were filed, although they were "good friends" for at least six months prior to that.