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monster advice

whoa_nelly's picture

Hi guys, I could really use some advice. We have had on going issues with the ex leaving us out of the loop on important info. Unfortunatly, she is the custodial parent so that seems to mean to the school, sport coachs ect that well....we don't live on this planet. I know that some dad's are not involved with their kids but my hubby is, all the time. We are always at the school and sporting events, and he does everything within his power to be actively involved in their lives. We have tried addressing the issue nicely to teachers and coaches to please keep us in the loop, however, dispite having pleasant conversations nothing changes. Hubby is not included in parent teacher confrences, sports meeting, and worst of all when there are major issues at school. Just this week my ss10 was given a suspenson from school for punching and kicking another boy. Not only were we not notified but come to find out that this has been an on going issue with a previouse incident of the boys throwing punches last fall th at we had no knowledge of. And to top it off the ex is encouraging ss10 to! And sd7 is in trouble for the 5 time for copying test questions, of course there have been parent teacher meetings about this but ONLY with the ex. We have been nice, and understand that people don't want to be in the middle of things, however, nice is going no were and the kids are having issues that are not getting addressed, and we don't even know about them until its to late to address!


Kenna's picture

Take a copy of the custody order to the school, if it says joint legal (not physical) custody then the school does not have a choice they HAVE to include him. Your DH is not the only divorced parent at that school, they should know better!

beyond pissed-off's picture

The thing is that you have no idea what BM has said to these people about who you and DH are as people or as parents. Also, the teachers and coaches may have their own issues that make them see divorced dads and SMs as "less than" when it comes to the kids. Quite possibly they have their own little dramas that prejudice them one way or the other.