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whathaveidone89's Blog

Um... she will NOT call you grandma.

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My mother is expecting her first child (from me) soon. She has such a bleeding heart she thinks SD should call her "grandma" if SD wants to. Being the clingy individual SD is constantly searching for affection, she will most definitely want to call my mother "grandma." She's already tried to call me "mommy" a few times. I keep telling FH his child needs to talk to someone professionally because she is STARVED for acceptance.

I’m back; I suck.

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I went to counseling. And WE went to counseling. Then they found lead in my house (I had moved into my own place) and being pregnant and still very much in love with FH, I'm back home with FH and SD7! Joy!

FH and his bonehead BM has their final settlement conference, couldn't agree to anything so now there's a trial set for June. All the way in JUNE! I'm due in August so he's pretty much overshadowed my entire pregnancy with the foolishness that is his custody battle.  

What’s my duty?

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So the movers came and most of my stuff is out. A few odds and ends left around. Ex said he'll come drop some off after he drops SD to school this week but told me to use my key to come and get whatever else I needed. I said fine. Then he messages me this morning asking me to be conscious of when I come because of the impact me moving has had on SD so can I try to come when she's not there. Allegedly she is crying and upset and asking a million questions. She is "worried" about her sibling and also wants to know why she can't call or text me anymore (I never told her she couldn't).

I’m moving out.

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I made a major move. After days of heavy depression, I had the discussion with FH. I asked him what this custody situation is looking like with SD. He said it will go on like this at least until the semester ends in May. (Background: he and BM have been playing swipe-the-SD so now we have her all weekdays and weekends). Well, I told him I can't do it. I'm pregnant and I'm unhappy and I never wanted this. So I told him I'm leaving. 

It’s a Boy!!!

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FH and I are having a boy!

of course the news had us both in tears with happiness. But then was quickly overshadowed by the presence of SD because he couldn't wait to tell her too. Ugh. Can we have a moment without a child's presence? Then he had to help with her homework. Then she wanted to do arts and crafts. Then he had to help her get ready for bed. By the time he had some time to celebrate with me, I had celebrated with my other friends and family and I was just annoyed he couldn't find the SD something to do for 3 bloody hours to share some couple joy. 

Full Custody? Kill me.

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So now we have full custody. I am so annoyed. Me and SD (7) have a good relationship. She is excited about her future sibling and that makes me happy (I've come a long way). But I never wanted this. Now I hate BM. I pray she gets her life together so we can go back to joint. 

New (and Pregnant) Stepmom and I Hate it Already

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I didn't always hate it.  I liked SD (7).  She was sweet and we had a good relationship.  The custody/CS battle started during my relationship with FH, and I supported him from a distance.  I helped out with SD  a lot.  To the point where SD even wanted to call me "mom." ...