She showed up - guessing she wishes she hadn't
Ba ha ha. She showed up. With her version of the Discovery. Referee ripped her a new one for making us come across the state.
Fined her $1000. Awesome Attorney asked why she didn't give the discovery to him at 8:30? No answer. Referee told her that if the discovery was inadequate, he would fine her another $1500.
She had her usual horseshit- this time her mom is sick, she had to take care of her blah blah blah. Awesome Attorney told referee that he would review the discovery but based on the thin envelope, he was pretty sure we would be back.
Referee asked every case "how are-and then he would name the children." While we were waiting, I turned to DH and AA and told them to stay silent when he asked the question. They knew what to do.
They go up, referee asked the question. DH stays silent. Medusa nods her head. AA says "how would you know, Ms. Medusa?" Referees cocks his head and AA said "oh let me explain, Your Honor. She hasn't seen the kids in over 4 years."
Cue the Jerry Springer reaction in the gallery.
Afterwards, we went outside and I took a look at her discovery. To say that it was inadequate would be a total understatement.
In other news - she provided a 2016 annual report on The Medusa Store Her partner is now the member, not her. LOL. I knew that as soon as she figured out we knew about the store she would try to make herself disappear from it.
DH and I picked up his favorite bread from a local bake house and now we're headed back across the state.
I'm going to take a nap.
Oh - no sign of Lurch and Medusa isn't wearing her wedding set anymore. Guess he got sick of her shit, too.
- WalkOnBy's blog
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Cue the Jerry Springer
Cue the Jerry Springer reaction in the gallery
Bahaha! Love it. Who had the Jerry Springer reaction? Medusa? Weirdo.
All the folks sitting in the
All the folks sitting in the gallery were clicking their tongues and whispering "what?" "Did he say 4 years" and all kinds of "wtf" statements.
It was pretty funny.
What did the referee say to
What did the referee say to not seeing the kids in four years?
This is absolutely brilliant.
burn her ass!
He said "well, that's
He said "well, that's interesting and certainly a conversation for another day."
The look on his face said "you're a crazy evil bitch who doesn't even want to support her own children."
There was a case before ours where the guy was $4000 behind in arrears and they were there on a parenting time issue. He ruled on the parenting time issue, but not before ripping the dad a new one for being so far behind in his support.
AA and I just looked at each other and smiled.
It was another case that he commented on as being "a lot of back-and-forth since 2010." Again, the three of us looked at each other and said "we've got that beat. We're from 2007."
Well played indeed!
Well played indeed!
OOO sh!t lol I love your
OOO sh!t lol I love your description.
Oh man. I am so surprised she
Oh man. I am so surprised she showed up!!! More fees tacked onto her CS bill!
She won't pay it but we will
She won't pay it but we will get a judgement against her. The last time the judge fined her, he told her he'd put her in jail and she believed him since he's put her in jail before.
I am guessing she believes the referee
What's my prize for guessing
What's my prize for guessing a showing? Your BM is thick.
(No subject)
}:) }:) }:)
Do the skids ever ask about
Do the skids ever ask about her when Dad and you get back from one of these hearings? 'Did Mom ask about us' or anything?
Four years. *shaking head*
No no. This will go to DH
No no. This will go to DH - a sanction for DH having to come to the hearing when all she had to do was send the docs to AA in the first place.
The reduction is on hold. Has never take effect since we objected. We get to review the inadequate discovery and then we will have an evidentiary hearing
ASS will be out of the house before any of this is settled.
Wow, that's great. I'm so
Wow, that's great. I'm so happy for you.
I can't imagine not seeing my
I can't imagine not seeing my child(ren) for 4 years.
I can't imagine willingly/knowingly missing birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving etc. Does she even contact them for birthdays?? That is just so sad. I know your skids suck, but I do feel bad for them for having such a shithead for a mother.
Nothing, Daizy. Not one
Nothing, Daizy. Not one damn thing
I feel bad for them, too