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Holy wah - money money money...

WalkOnBy's picture

Since it's the beginning of the month, I decided to log in to the state website and see how much Medusa owes now....


Total $8,477.19

her monthly amount decreases at the end of this month due to ASS aging out, so she will get a slight break, but she still has all $8477.19 to make up.

As DH said this morning, "now she'll be in arrears more slowly."



FieryEscape's picture

In my state they can add 9% interest once the child support payment is a month behind. I was nice and let my DDs Father off with out going after the interest that would of added a ton more onto what he owed.

I hope they take her tax returns or some other way to make her pay up.

WalkOnBy's picture

nope - and since she is "self-employed" she controls the "salary" she pays herself.

She's 8K in arrears and got a 1K state refund this year - we know because one of the very few things she turned over in the most recent discovery was her 2015 tax return.

Haven't seen one penny of it.....

AND she gets to claim the skids every other year.

WalkOnBy's picture

we tried.....technically, she is "supporting" them because every month DH gets a tiny bit of support from her.


WalkOnBy's picture

well, in Medusa's case, it's out of sight, out of pocketbook.

Remember, she is soooooooooo mad at DH for actually holding her feet to the legal fire that she is "punishing" him by completely ignoring the skids.

In reality, she is simply repeating her own stooopid history. When her parents divorced, her mom moved to another state with Medusa's younger sister, while Medusa stayed here with her dad. Medusa didn't speak to her mom for a couple years, then ran away from dad's house to go south to find mom. When she got to the place where mom supposedly lived, a different family was living there, but told Medusa where to find her mom and sister.

In Medusa's world, abandoning your kid and then reuniting with them years later is normal behavior.